Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"Damn it," I groan putting my head in my hands.

I sit there red-faced, half-naked, with swollen lips. My hair is messed up and I curse myself for not keeping my hands to myself as promised.

She's not gone for very long and when she comes back she hands me a blanket.

"Follow me," she says leaving the room again.

I don't say anything as I follow her throughout the gigantic house until we reach a door. She unlocks it and turns on the light. There is a huge king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Goodnight," she says as she begins to leave.

I grab her by the wrist.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," I plead.

"Harry let's get this straight I'm not going to be a fling. EVER," she scolds.

"You aren't a fling! I was just caught up in the moment," I explain unintentionally proving her point.

She scoffs as she turns off the light and locks the door behind her. I lay down on the bed and cover myself with the blanket before falling asleep.


I wake up the next morning to the doorknob shaking. I sit straight up in bed waiting for Brendalyn to walk through the door. The door creaks open and instead of Bren a young boy is left standing there. He doesn't seem to notice me at first but when he crosses the room and turns around he looks straight at me. He falls backwards onto the wall and lands on the carpet with a muffled 'thump'.

"Don't freak out," I say trying to think of a way to save my ass.

"Who are you?" he exclaims looking up at me from the floor.

"I'm Harry," I answer giving him a smile.

He just continues to stare.

"D-d-does my sister know you're here?"

"Yes, but your dad doesn't so if you could just keep this to yourself that'd be great."

The doorbell rings and in a matter of seconds his persona goes from vulnerable and confused to devilish and sneaky.

"Hmm... I don't know if I can. Maybe some compensation will help," he says smirking.

"MATTHEW GET THE DOOR!" a voice calls from upstairs.

"OKAY DAD!" he yells back.

He turns back to me.

"I'll give you a minute to think about how much you owe me," he says before leaving the room.

I look around the room for my pants and find them neatly folded on the nightstand. My wallet nearly falls out of my jeans when I grab them off of the side and I catch it before it falls on the floor. I pull a hundred dollar bill out of it just as the door creaks open.

"So... How much?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest.

Just as I extend the bill out to him the door opens again.

"Harry let's jus--" Bren begins before she notices her brother in the room.

"What the hell Matthew!" she exclaims.

"I'm not the person who's sneaking her boyfriend in the house," he replies.

"Get out!" she commands not even bothering to clear up the whole 'boyfriend' thing.

"Okay. I'll get dad while I'm at it."

Bren grabs the boy by his shirt.

"Snitches get put in ditches," she threatens.

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