Chapter 36

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Bren's POV

The next morning I wake up feeling sore. Very sore. The events that took place last night flood back into my head and I smile at the thought of Harry touching me last night.

I flip over in the bed and see that Harry isn't where he was when we finally called it a night. I sit up in bed and cover my chest with the sheets when I hear the door open.

"Morning babe," he yawns walking into the room wearing only sweatpants.

"Good morning," I reply clutching the fabric of the covers.

He's already seen it all. Chill.

"I made some food do you want to eat?" he asks and I realize that I am in fact starving.

"Yeah, I'll be right down," I tell him. "I just need to take a shower."

"Okay. I left a towel and some toiletries out for you," he says before leaving the room.

Only when he shuts the door do I relax my grip on the covers and saunter across the huge room naked. When I reach the bathroom I turn on the water for the shower and turn on the built in radio. I climb into the shower and immediately feel my hair start to curl back up from the humidity.

I spend some time in the shower washing myself until I no longer feel sticky--if you know what I mean. By the time I get out my hair has completely reverted back to the curly mess it usually is. I wrap myself in a towel before brushing my teeth, (failing) combing my hair, applying deodorant, and putting on Harry's folded shirt and grey boxers that he left out.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Harry is cracking eggs into a pan.

"How do you like your eggs?" he asks and I have to bite my tongue to stop from being a smart ass.

"Just scrambled," I say sitting on a stool in his five-star kitchen.

In less than five minutes he's setting a plate in front of me filled with eggs, diced fruit, and waffles. He stands up and eats across from me and I have to force myself to focus on eating instead of how his cheekbones move as he chews.

What's wrong with me.

"You need syrup?" he asks and I shake my head. He looks at me as if I'm from another planet as I take a bite out of my plain waffle.

"What?" I ask with a mouthful of food.

"How do you eat waffles without syrup?" he says and I take a slow exaggerated bite.

"That's how," I say and I hear him mutter 'weird' under his breath.

"I'm sorry did you say something," I ask and he gathers my empty plate before putting it in the sink and rinsing it.

"Oh nothing love. Just that you're wonderful," he says as I stand and begin to make my way around the counter.

"That's what I thought," I say trying to look as serious as possible. It works for about three seconds before I start to giggle.

Harry grins down at me.

"Have I ever told you I loved you?" he says and I roll my eyes as he wraps me in his arms.

"Only like a thousand times last night," I tell him looking up at him.

"Well, I'm going to say it again. I love you," he says and I pat his chest before he frowns.

"What?" I ask as he loosens me a bit.

"Why won't you say it back?" he asks but I don't hear an ounce of anger in his voice, it's all curiosity.

"I don't know. I just don't feel comfortable saying it yet," I reply and he narrows his eyes at me.

"So you feel comfortable enough to sleep with me but not to say 'I love you'," he laughs leaning against the counter and I fiddle my hands around. "I'll make a mental note of that."

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds stupid," I tell him. "But that's just how I feel about it y'now?"

"I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with it," he says holding his hands up to surrender. "Just saying it'd be nice to know how you feel once in a while."

"I just feel like actions speak louder than words. Why would I say it if I can just show you?" I ask and he smirks.

"So, are you saying you want to show me now? Because if you want to I have no problem with that," he says placing his hands on the small of my back and moving down from there.

"Are you trying to get into my pants Harold," I ask and he gives me a fake innocent look.

"Why heavens no," he interrupts and I can't help but to smile.

"Oh, because if you were I'd have no problem with that," I tell him.

"Good to hear," he says smiling before lifting me up onto the counter.

Later that day...

I finally call the guy from the modeling agency and he tells me I got the part which I didn't even audition for. I'd expected myself to be more excited about the part but when I was told I felt a little defeated. I would have to spend two weeks away from Harry to go back home. He wouldn't be able to come because they have to prepare for their tour in a month. That means I'd have two weeks followed by a month without Harry--that's going to be hard.

I pack my clothes into my suitcase that I haven't used since I got here over three months ago. I'm scheduled to leave early tomorrow morning. Harry wants to take me out meanwhile all I want to do is stay home with him and--well, you know.

When it's time for me to leave Harry and I have to wake up at two and head to the airport. His security are tired but the fans aren't so we have a hard time pushing ourselves through the crowd waiting for us.

I reach my terminal and Harry stops as close to the door as he's allowed to get before giving me a kiss. The crowd screams and I try to tune them out as Harry wraps his arms around me.

"I love you," he says.

I sigh taking a deep breath and he smiles down at me.

"It's okay. Just be safe and make me proud," he says placing another kiss on my forehead.

"Okay," I reply as he lets me go before handing the woman at the gate my ticket and walking down to the plane.

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