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Firey: Hey Leafy. Guess what day it is?! 😁😁😁

Leafy: . . . My Birthday! XD

Firey: No. You're wrong. . . JUST KIDDING!! XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAFY!!

Leafy: XD thanks Firey! 😂😂😙

Firey: You should've saw my face. When I woke up, I just made a weird smirk. XD

Leafy: XD I wish I did see your face.

Firey: XD

Leafy: 😊

Firey: Are you glad it's your birthday?

Leafy: It's normal I guess. . . I just don't want to get like a thousand presents like last year 😐😐

Firey: You gonna have to deal with that 😂😂

Leafy: XD what did you get for me?

Firey: . . . It's a surprise. . . 🙂

Leafy: 😔😔😔

Firey: I'm sorry!! I just don't want to spoil the moment!

Leafy: XD It's okay!!

Firey: What time did you wake up?

Leafy: Around 8

Firey: Oh okay! XD well, I'll talk to you later Leafy. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Leafy: XD bye!


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