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Firey: So, how was game night for you?

Leafy: It was awesome! Glad to be there!

Firey: Me too!

Leafy: . . . Is this the REAL Firey?!

Firey: If course it's Firey! Why would it not be?!

Leafy: Then say the nickname he calls me.

Firey: . . . Dang it! You got me!

Leafy: WHO IS THISSSSS!!!?!?!?!?!?

Firey: This is Ice Cube. While Firey was going somewhere, I took his phone that he left in his house.

Leafy: Icy, that's not cool. I thought this was Puffball or something.

Firey: Does Puffball even have a phone?

Leafy: I'm not sure. . . Maybe. I mean, she has no limbs.

Firey: She could use her tounge to type.

Leafy: I guess. . . Just please give Firey his phone back. And text me on your OWN phone. Why do you even have his phone anyway?

Firey: To mess around with you. :3

Leafy: You're weird.

Firey: Okay byeeeeeeee.

Leafy: Bye.

(Chat ended at 7:44 P.M)

Texting (A Fireafy Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now