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Firey: Hai!

Leafy: Hey!

Firey: Wyd?

Leafy: Nothing.

Firey: Oh okay.

Leafy: What are you doing?

Firey: Nothing.

Leafy: lol. Okay. So. . . Wanna hang out today?

Firey: Ummmmmm. . . I don't know.

Leafy: What do you mean by that? You don't want to be with me?

Firey: No! I will hang out with You!

Leafy: When?

Firey: Right now!

Leafy: Okay then. See you then! 😂

Firey: Hehe. But firrrrrrrst. . .

Leafy: What?

Firey: I want to tell you something.

Leafy: What is it?

Firey: So, Ukulele told me somethings while I was at Gelatin Steakhouse.

Leafy: Wait. . . Ukulele?

Firey: Yep.

Firey: You really have some explaining to do.


Leafy: Firey! What did he say to you??


Firey: He said that you two were dating, and you never cared about me.

Firey: This was all a game to You?

Firey: You didn't love me at all?

Leafy: Firey!!

Leafy: Ukulele is trying to ruin our relationship! Don't think this the wrong way!

Firey: . . . I'm confused. Explain more.

Leafy: Ever since we got to that carnival as a date, we was at Starbucks. While I was waiting for my drink, Ukulele walked up to me and said he wanted to show me something. I said okay, and told you that I needed to use the bathroom.

Firey: More. . .

Leafy: And then he took me to this room, and tried to. . .

Firey: He tried to what?!

Leafy: He only Pinned me to the wall, but I kicked him, and walked out the room, leaving him on the floor.

Firey: Leafy. . .

Firey: WHY didn't you tell me sooner?

Leafy: . . . I didn't want you to get mad. . .

Firey: Leafy, I would understand %100. Please don't be scared of telling me stuff like this.

Firey: If you ever see him again, run.

Firey: Call the police. And run.

Firey: If he tries to do. . . That again, then kicked him right in the face, and keep kicking him. As hard as you can.

Firey: Get some match and set him on fire. Or let me set him on fire. He's made out of wood right?

Leafy: Yeah. . . I'm sorry. I feel so ashamed. . .

Firey: Leafy, it's okay!

Leafy: Is this my fault?

Firey: Ummm. . . Part of it, I guess.

Firey: Just remember you have me to take care of it. And so does your other friends. . . Did you tell anyone else about this besides me?

Leafy: No. Only you. Not even my mom, and I tell her everything.

Firey: Huh. Well, we'll do something about it. Okay?

Leafy: Okay. Love you. . .

Firey: Love you too. 😊

Leafy: Hehe. Bye.

*Leafy left the chat*

Firey: . . . Bye.

(Chat ended at 12:38 P.M.)

*breaths in* *breaths out*

You may have known I haven't posted a part in a week.

I haven't talked to Firey on the phone like I used to do everyday.

. . . I need a friend again. *hugs you*

Texting (A Fireafy Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now