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Firey: Leafy!

Leafy: Firey. What do you want? It's like. . . Ten In the evening!

Firey: So. . . I met Ukulele again.

Leafy: Yeah. I saw you. . . XDDDD

Leafy: What did he say? . . .

Firey: He said that whoever wins a fight will win Leafy.

Leafy: Is he really THAT desperate? Gosh.

Leafy: WHY can't he just leave us alone? There's so many prettier girls other than me living in Goiky! So why me!

Firey: . . . I think you're pretty. . .

Leafy: Awwwww. . . Firey. Hehe.

Leafy: Anyways. . . What can we do?

Firey: Well, all I can do is set him on fire so. . . XDDDD

Firey: But again. I'm not too sure. He might be coming up with something. . .

Leafy: When is this?

Firey: Its in three weeks.


Firey: Hehe. It's on Friday. . . At 4:00.

Leafy: How come I never heard of this?

Firey: When we was at Gelatin Steakhouse, we was eating our food and then you said you will be right back. And so I sat there eating until Ukulele walked up to me saying that we will both fight for you. And whoever wins then will win you.

Firey: So if I lose, then Ukulele would might win you. . .

Leafy: I would NEVER date Ukulele EVER AGAIN!

Leafy: He so annoying!!

Firey: Do you think I will win?

Leafy: Well yeah! . . . You're FIRE.

Leafy: And also, who cares if you lose? I mean, it's really my choice on whatever I want to date one of you. And of course, I would date you.

Firey: You're right. Thanks Leafy.

Leafy: I don't know what I did but. . .


Leafy: Maybe later on today we can practice. What kind of fight will it be?

Firey: Like. . . Punching, Kicking. . . That kind.

Leafy: . . . Yeah you're dead. XDDD

Leafy: And you said it's next Friday? I guess it can be our mission to make you practice enough so you can be ready.

Leafy: The other RainbowRockets can help too.

Firey: Alright! I'm okay with that!

Leafy: Well, good night Firey! We'll do something.

Firey: Night Leafs!

Leafy: . . . Love you. :)

Firey: Love you too.

Firey: Night.

(Chat ended at 10:37 P.M.)

I have to say. . .

Things are getting a bit better with me and Firey.

We haven't had a single argument since two days ago.

And now I'm starting to have interest in him.

Firey is a good guy. At times he can be dumb. And at other times he can be sweet and nice.

Maybe my life isn't wreaking at all! XDDD

See ya tonight #Bestbuddies!!

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