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Oh my! A new update!
Let's read it shall we?

This Story will stop at the 50th chapter. I think I already said that, but just to remind you again.
And also a second reason, is that I want to make more stories, but it can be time-consuming.
So please don't rush me when I can't get a chance to do any new parts for you.
I'm a nice leaf, at least. . . That's my opinion.
So sorry if I take too long, but you all have to know that I can be a little inactive sometimes. Meaning, I won't be on here ALL the time. Just most of the time.

But anyways, enjoy this chapter! I'm getting back into this book! :D

Firey: Leafy?

Leafy: Hai!

Firey: Morning.

Leafy: Morning!

Firey: Guess what next week is. . .

Leafy: Coiny's birthday?

Firey: You're right. Hehe.

Leafy: What are you gonna give him?

Firey: I don't know. I honestly want us to be friends.

Leafy: Why don't you tell him?

Firey: Because I'm afraid it will backfire. We agreed on just being frenimes, but Coiny looked so happy of that. . .

Leafy: Well, you have to take the risk!

Firey: Heh. Great advise. . .

Leafy: Yep!

Firey: Well, did Coiny ever talk to you about it?

Leafy: No. Ask Pin. She's a loudmouth over here.

Firey: Yeah. And Pin usually tells you her. . . Secrets.

Leafy: You're right about that, but this time, she didn't tell me.

Firey: Oh Okay. So what can we do?

Leafy: Hmmm. Maybe we can do a meeting next week.

Firey: Or this week. I mean, it's only Tuesday.

Leafy: Okay then. Tuesday it is.

Firey: Do you have any plans today?

Leafy: Hmmm. . . Kite is at rehearsal with Flyswat.

Firey: Okay. . .

Leafy: And. . . The two staring partners are going on a double date.

Firey: Hehe. Coiny, Pin, Snowball, and Needle?

Leafy: Yeah. And Carrot faked her injury, but she's hanging out with Toothy and his alliance.

Firey: So does that mean?

Leafy: Sure. I'll be at your house in a few minutes.

Firey: Okay. See ya there!

Leafy: See you!

(Chat ended at 10:07 A.M.)

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