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Firey: Leafy?

Firey: Morning!

Leafy: Hey!

Firey: I wanted to tell you something.

Leafy: Yeah?

Firey: Who was the last object you texted before me?

Leafy: Erm. . . Toothy.

Firey: Okay just asking. It's you. You make friends better than any of us!

Leafy: Ha! Okay.

Firey: Leafy?

Leafy: Yeah?

Firey: . . . Name 3 of your bestest friends.

Leafy: Oh. . . That's a tricky one.

Leafy: . . . Are you saying the first friends I met around bfdi?

Firey: Yeah. Before you met me.

Leafy: Hmmm. . . Bubble. . . Ice cube. . . And Golfball I think. . . Yeah. Oh wait! Can't forget about My Pin girl!

Firey: Huh. Okay. Hehe.

Leafy: Yeah Pin was my first friend. Ever.

Firey: Okay. Well I also wanted to ask you one more question.

Leafy: What?

Firey: I heard you was doing a contest today. You got the audition.

Leafy: . . . How did you know?

Firey: Carrot.

Leafy: Oh. Well, yeah I am. Sorry I didn't tell you yesterday. I thought you was busy.

Firey: It was just me and Gelatin talking.

Leafy: Oh. Well yeah it's today.

Firey: Leafy, you said that we will have the meeting today. Remember? Every Friday?

Leafy: Oh. Well, maybe after the contest. It only starts at two, and ends about 30 minutes later.

Firey: And then we will all get together and start the meeting?

Leafy: Yeah. Don't worry.

Firey: Okay.

Leafy: Firey?

Firey: Yeah?

Leafy: Ummm. . . Honestly. . . I'm losing my interest into this relationship.

Firey: Same. . . Should we break up?

Leafy: No. We'll just try and make it work. We should try and hang out more.

Firey: Do you want me to watch the contest?

Leafy: That sound great. You can come with me to practice as well. I mean, if you want to.

Firey: Hehe. I do. We haven't been hanging out this past. . . Month. Or three weeks I suppose.

Leafy: Yeah. Ever since that date.

Firey: Well, I'll come to your house. Actually, right now is a good time.

Leafy: Okay! See you at my door! XDDD

Firey: Haha!

(Chat ended at 9:30 A.M.)

The last update was like three days ago. Me and Firey haven't been texting as much as we used to. So that's why it took. . . Days for this to update.

I'll post tonight. Promise.

See ya! #BestBuddies!

Texting (A Fireafy Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now