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Firey: Good morning! XD

Firey: Leafy?

Leafy: Yeah?

Firey: Good morning. . .

Leafy: Good morning indeed! XD

Firey: Heh. I wanna tell you something.

Leafy: What?

Firey: You know how last time we was talking about Yellow Face and Puffball?

Leafy: Yeah. . .

Leafy: I hope you're not going to reply the same thing that I was thinking. . .

Firey: They're a couple. . .

Leafy: . . .

Firey: Same reaction.

Firey: They don't even. . . Talk.

Leafy: Exactly. Maybe Puffball is up to something. She can't just get over you that quickly.

Firey: Yeah. But our goal is to bring Carrot and Pineapple together. Right?

Leafy: Yeah. Next week we're going to Yoyle City! And after that we're going to bring them together.

Firey: We should maybe do other plans before that because they met like two weeks ago.

Leafy: Okay. So you're saying we should go to the jewaly store before?

Firey: Yeah. . . Anyways what else you wanna talk about?

Leafy: Well, after that meeting we had, I was invited to do game night with the FreeSmart. And I was the host.

Firey: Huh. No Pineapple.

Leafy: I said the same thing😂 but they said that they don't really enjoy Pineapple for some reason.

Firey: Ahh I see.

Leafy: Yeah. So about Pineapple.and Carrot, let's do a shipping name. Hehe.

Firey: 😂😂

Firey: Pinearrot?

Leafy: Carapple?

Leafy: I think yours is the best one.

Firey: Yeah. 😂😂

Leafy: Hehe. Anyways, after we go to Yoyle City, what else do you have in mind?

Firey: First go to the jewelry store, see about what Puffball REALLY feels about Yellow Face, and maybe if we have a chance, then we can bring some other objects together.

Leafy: Sounds great. . . I always enjoy long talks with you. . .

Firey: Don't we talk a lot?

Leafy: Yeah but not in text.

Firey: What do you mean?

Leafy: You and I is always doing something. We only talk for like 3 minutes or so. . .

Firey: Oh. Well, I feel the same way. We promised that we will text more, but it's really not going out well.

Leafy: Yeah. We're always doing stuff.

Firey: It's okay right? We hang out with each other every day! We don't really have to text each other!

Leafy: Right. . . Remember that time when we was locked up in the TLC?

Firey: So boring. . .

Leafy: I know! XD

Firey: Wasn't that boring. . . I was with you. 😊

Leafy: Awww you're sweet. 😊

Firey: Leafy?

Leafy: Yeah?

Leafy: Are you going to say "do we ever flirt?"

Firey: . . .

Firey: How the heck did you know?

Leafy: Heh. I donno. Anyways, I think so. Don't we do it every day?

Firey: Sure. 😂😂

Leafy: Hehe. Well, I never really seen that we flirted before. We're pretty much a calm relationship.

Firey: Yeah.

Leafy: So. . .

Firey: What you wanna talk about now?

Leafy: I don't know really. Maybe more about our relationship?

Firey: What about it?

Leafy: I think we should maybe stop arguing so much. . . We only been dating for a few months, and after we have a big argument, I feel as though our relationship is tearing apart already. . .

Firey: . . . I feel the same.

Firey: We need to start getting in the habit of NOT being such jerks to each other.

Leafy: Yeah. I feel so horrible that we're like this. It feels so uncomfortable.

Firey: Its only our like, 2nd stage of relationships. First all Nicey nice to each other.

Leafy: Yeah. We're only where Coiny and Pin was.

Firey: Right.

Leafy: Anyways, I'm glad we had this talk Firey. You're my bestest friend. As in boyfriend. 😳

Firey: Heh. You too.

Leafy: Bubble is my first best friend anyway!! XD

Firey: Haha! XD

Leafy: 😊😂😊

Firey: See you at our surprise date!

Leafy: What?

Leafy: Oh Yeah! I forgot! XD

Firey: Hah! Bai!

Leafy: Bai!

(Chat ended at 9:38)

Texting (A Fireafy Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now