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Leafy: Firey?

Firey: Yeah?

Leafy: How's Wattpad treating you?

Firey: Good I guess. . . I don't like my phone. 😂

Leafy: XD It's okay! Why don't you use your laptop when you write new parts on your story?

Firey: Leafy, I want to have fame, just like you.

Leafy: Firey, we're already famous on bfdi. Just. . . Not on Wattpad. I don't even that that much followers. Only over 50.

Firey: Leafy, that's a lot! XD even when you been there for over a month!

Leafy: XD well, just want to check how you're doing.

Firey: Good. And get this, me and Coiny made a deal, that if we slap each other, we will give each other a dollar.

Leafy: You should've said $5 😂😂

Firey: Wow! XD anyways, did you get any more fanart so far?

Leafy: No. Only two. But I'll let you know when there's more.

Firey: Hehe okay thanks.

Leafy: You wanna know what's weird?

Firey: What? That's we're not saying anything weird or stupid?

Leafy: YES!!! XD

Firey: Hehe. . . I'm glad!! XD

Leafy: Me too!!! Anyways, got any plans? I'm bored again. XD

Firey: Go to Needle's house. . .

Leafy: She got plans.

Firey: Who?

Leafy: Her staring partner. XD

Firey: Snowball!! XD

Leafy: XD

Firey: Well, I have plans with Gelatin also. We're going to talk about something you shouldn't be worrying about. . .

Leafy: Oh wow!! XD well, after that, you wanna go somewhere?

Firey: Where?

Leafy: Somehwere I think you will like 😉

Firey: Hehe. . . Okay. Where is it?

Leafy: I already answered your question. . .

Firey: No I mean, like what time?

Leafy: Don't worry about it. . . I'll let you know. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Firey: Please stop winking at me. . . 😂

Leafy: . . .

Firey: Hehe

Leafy: 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Firey: Nooooooooo!!! XD

Leafy: Okay I'll stop. Just want you to get that feeling. 😂😂

Firey: Okay. But really. I want to know where it is. . .

Leafy: You'll see!! Stop asking the same thing over and over again!! 😂😂

Firey: Leafy, you have that kind of boyfriend who wants to know everything.

Leafy: Yeah. I'm texting that person right now.

Firey: I'm walking back home. . .

Leafy: Cool.

Firey: Leafy.

Leafy: Yeah?

Firey: There's someone following me.

Firey: And no. It's not Puffball.

Leafy: What?! Is it Salt?

Firey: No. And it's also not Taco. . .

Leafy: Wait I'm coming out now!

Leafy: Okay! I'm out!

Leafy: Where are you?

Leafy: Firey?

Leafy: Firey!!


Leafy: Firey!!!!!!!

*Leafy calls Firey*

*Call declined*

*Leafy calls Firey*

*Call declined*

*Leafy calls Firey*

*call declined*

Leafy: FIREY!! 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭


Leafy: . . . I have my knife. . .

Leafy: If you kill Firey, you kill me. But try to kill me if you can. 

Leafy: I do have my knife. . .

Leafy: You do know I can track you with Firey's phone right? Don't say I will never find you, because I will.

And I will kill you. . .

(Chat ended at 10:35 P.M.)

Texting (A Fireafy Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now