The Revenge Game

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Madhu hugged shamseer & cries..he pats on her back & told..

"dont cry dear..this is ur bidai..u r stepping towards a new happy.."he wiped her tears & looks rk..

"beta take care of my beti..pls dont make her cry..i cant see tears in her eyes.."shamseer told rk & he smiles..

"papa...i will take care of her untill my last breathe.."rk..

"its time for bidai..come.."mohan..she & rk enters inside the decorated car..madhu looks mohan with teary eyes..the car starts moving madhu keeps looking mohan...after sometimes they reached rk mansion...radha comes there with a smile & does aarti for them..madhu kicked the rice filled pot & stepped to the sidoor water & walks inside..radha stops rk in mid way..he looks her..

"Rishu..u r doing a miff.."radha..he smirks..

"u r cheating an innocent girl..y..what she done to u..?"radha..rk looks away.

"i want ur answer...y this all..?"radha..

"u want to know that..??"rk shouted..

"but its not her was her sister who done all..& she is no more then y these all..?"radha..

"she was also with her.."rk.."i wont leave her..i will make her life hell..she will cry for death.."rk..

"because of she & her sister..i lost happiness,family.."rk..

"no rishu..i dont think so..if she doesn't know about these all..then god will not forgive u.."radha..

"i dont care.."rk..

"she is a girl.."radha..

"she is a toy for me..i will play with her & throw her when i get bored.."rk..

"u changed a lot.."radha..he smirks..

"yes my destiny changed me oops not destiny...trishna malik.."rk..

"rishu leave this all & start a new life..u can it.."radha..

"do u think i married her for a new life..?no..never...i cant love her in my life.."rk..

"its the matter of a girl's life..for ur 1 mistake u will regret ur whole life.."radha..

"now only one thing in my mind i want to see the demolition of maliks..."rk told & leaves angrily..

"ganpathibappa pls save her from rishu..he dont know what he is doing.."radha prays..

rk entered his room & closed the door..madhu smiles seeing him..he pretend smile..he went to bed & lie..she lies near him..

"hah..i dont like to share my bed with anyone.."rk told her..she looks him confused..

"so..u pls.."rk pointed towards the couch..


"stop calling me me rishab or its better u call me rk.."rk..


"cant u hear me..go..i want to sleep"rk shouts..madhu looks him awestruck..

"i am sorry.."rk..

"its ok..i will go.."madhu slowly get off from the bed & moved towards couch & slept there..rk looks her..

"Rishab this is wrong.."his mind told him & the next moment it changed to "no..she deserve this..dont leave her rishab.."rk looks her & fumes..


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