Rk hurts Madhu

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"what happed..i asked u whether u have a sibling or not..but u r reacting like i asked u have another wife or son."madhu..he slightly smiles..

"no..i am my parent's only son.."rk..madhu smiles..rk leaves from there..

"y he is behaving weird...??"she thought..


Radhaji return home..

"madhu.."she calls her..

"hah ma.."madhu came there from kitchen..radhaji sighed in relief..

"u r ok na..??"she caressed her hair..

"yes..y u asked.."madhu..

"where is rishu..??"radha..

"he is in room.."madhu..radha nodded..


madhu went to room & finds rk is not there..she calls him but no replay came..finally she went to couch & slept unknowingly...time is 1.20 am..the bedroom door got opened slowly & a man wearing a black mask & black dress entered inside & closed the door..he moved towards madhu..she hears some sound & woke from her sleep & saw him..she tried to scream but he palmed her mouth..he took a knife from the pocket of his jacket & tried to stab her but she bites on his hand & runs from there..he follows her..she screamed & continued running..he pulls her from back & stabbed on her tummy..

"aahh.."she wriggled in pain.. radha's room's door got opened & the man runs from there leaving madhu on the floor..

"madhu.."radha got shocked to see madhu on that situation & went to her..she sat on the floor & took madhu's head on her lap..madhu slowly closed her eyes..

"rishu.."radha yelled..

After 2 days..

"she is ok now.."dr.deepali told to radha..

"thank you dr.."radha..she went near rk & asked.."who is that man..??"radha..he remained silent..

"i am asking u..answer me.."radha raised her voice..he looks her..

"its u na..tell rishu..its u na.."she gripped on his collar & shook him..

"hah..it was me.."rk..radha's eyes welled up..she took her hands off his collar & at the very next moment he got a nice slap from her..

"rishu..what u have done..u r not my rishu..u r a monster.."radhu.."how can u..if she were dead..?"

"i want to see her in pain..then only i will kill her.."rk..

"r u gone mad..??"radha..

"yes..i am mad..i am mad like my father.."rk..that word pierced on her ear..a drop of tear rolled from her eyes & she closed her eyes tightly in pain..

"who is rk..??"they hears a nurse's sound & turns..

"its me.."rk..

"patient is asking for u.."nurse..

"hm.."he nodded & entered inside the ICU..he looks her with bleak eyes..she smiles at him..

"rk.."she calls in an languorous tone..he sat near madhu & she touched on his hand..he felt something by her touch..he know he have no feelings for her but yet he felt something..dont know y but he touched back her hand..

"i am alright..u no need to worry.."madhu...it really touched his heart..he feels suffocated..she trust him..more than her she trust him but he is betraying her in each seconds..he want to hurt her & want to see her in pain but yet something 

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