Who Is Him..??

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"rishu no..dont pick up the call..."radha said with trembling voice..

"ma relax..whoever the person..he cant do anything through phone na..let me talk to him.."rk said & picks the call..

"hello who r u mr..??"rk asked in husky voice..

"i am balraj chowdary.."balraj said which made a small frown in rk..

"u r repeating the same..which balraj..??"rk asked..

"u dont know me rishab..but ur ma..hm..so called ma knew me very well.."balraj..rk looks radha & continued"what u want..??"

"the thing which mohan kundra offered me.."he said..

"mohan kundra..??"rk asked astonished..

"okk..i am not making u more confused...i want ur property..ur whole property.."he said..

"hey mr..y i want to give u my property to u ..?"rk asked..

"ok..decision is urs..u want ur ma or property..?"balraj..

"what..??"rk stood there stunned..& he disconnects the call..

"hello..hello.."rk said but only hears the engaged tone..rk went near radha & kneel down..

"ma say..who is balraj chowdary..my ma is with him.."rk..

"what..with him..??"radha..

"ha..pls..who is him..??"rk asked..

"he is..he is mohan kundra's business partner its better say crime partner.."radha..


"he was the right hand of mohan kundra but he betrayed him.."radha..

"how.."rk asked..

"he helped to kill mihir in that accident but after that he call police & put all blame on balraj's name..before joing to jail he said that he will take revenge from him..but dont know how meera got saved & how she is with him.."radha told..

"what happend madhu.."rk asked seeing her perplexed gesture..

"when will these problems will over..?each day is coming with a new problem.."madhu said..

"u r telling like i made all problems..what can u do..??"rk said..

"do one thing..kill me.."madhu shouted..

"madhu u r unnecessarily creating this drama.."rk said..

"oh..now all blame came on my head..u r the real problem maker.."madhu..

"shut up..for that what i had done..??"rk roared..

"before marrying u my life was not like this..at least i had a peaceful life.."madhu said..

"oh..so u r saying i destroyed ur peaceful life..?"rk..

"exactly.."madhu looks away..

"then hear this too after ur entry only my problem became double.."rk said..

"so u r saying i created problem in ur life..."madhu asked..

"madhu i dont meant that.."rk said in a low tone..

"i understood everything.."madhu said & left..rk turns back & looks radha who is looking him dumbstruck..

"whats this rishu..??"radha asked..rk gasped.."what i did..?she initiated na.."rk said..

"rishu u know na..she is in tension..she is showing her sorrow through these words..but u doubled it.."radha said...

"then what r u thinking..?i am enjoying here..wont this problems affect me..??i am not made up of stone.."rk said running his fingers over hairs..

"i dont wanna argue with u..but rishu madhu is disturbed..u talk with & sort out your problems.."radha said..rk nodded & left..rk opened the bedroom door & saw madhu sitting on the bed with pounded face...

"madhu.."rk called her but madhu didn't heed it..he went near her & sat beside her..

"madhu.."he tried to touch on her shoulder but she swatted his hand..

"madhu i am sorry.."rk..she looks away..

"madhu y r u behaving like this...i want support most but what r u doing now.."rk..

"oh support..for what..?for what i want to support u..?for risking ur life..??"she burst out..

"madhu.."rk said..

"no rishab..i dont want to hear anything..y these all happening to our family only.."tears rolled down her cheeks..

"hey madhu...y u r behaving like a child..?"rk said & side hugged her..

"I am afraid rk..if something happen to u.."madhu said & kept her head on his shoulders..

"don't worry adhu nothing will happen to me..where is that old madhu who gave me courage for fight against  mohan kundra..now instead of mohan balraj..think like that..ma got worried becoz of you r behavior.."rk said..

"I am sorry.."madhu..

"hm..b/w u said it seriously..??"rk..

"what..?"she look him breaking the hug..

"that..i created headache in our life.."rk asked & in return she slightly slaps on his cheek..

"So ur problem solved.."they saw radha standing on the door step smiling at them..
"Hah..ma..she is just worried about.."rk..
"Me too rishu..that balraj is not a trivial person..i am worried about u.."radha said..
"This property is him aim..i dont need these all but these all r my papa's sweat..i dont allow him to take this.."rk said..
"So u r going against him...??radha asked with concern..
"Yes.."rk replayed..
"No rishu...v can give everything to him & can go from this city..i cant bear one more meltdown in my life.."radha said..
"No ma..i am not ready to run away like a coward..i dont want a life like that..cowards die thousand times in fear..but brave ppl only die once.."rk said..
"Stop saying filmy dialogues..it does not worth in real life.."radha said..
"Anyways..i am going to face if it is death or life.."rk said..


The call again again came..both madhu & radha looks him agitated as he picks up the call..
"Hello rishab.."before he something balraj said..
"Y u called now..?"rk asked..
"For knowing ur decision...u choose what..ur ma or.."balraj..
"I choose my ma.."rk said..
"I am ready to give my properties to u.."rk said..
"Good..ok then open the door.."balraj said..
"What..??"rk asked confused..
"Open the main door beta..y r u making me wait..?"balraj said..rk cuts the call & looks back at radha who is looking intriguing..
"He is here.."rk said..
"What but..how..?"radha asked..
"Dont know how..i am gonna open the door..."rk said & movin but radha stopped him..
"No rishu..u r not going..let him stand there.."radha said..
"No ma..i am fed up with this..i want to take a decision today..& its about my ma's life too..pls dont stop me.."he said & left..radha & madhu followed him worried..rk opened the door & a hippo like figure appeared in front of him with 4-5 men behind him..
"Hello i am mr.balraj chowdary.."he said & forwarded his right hand..all looks him..

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