His Love For Her

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"rishu..open the door.."radha continually knocks at the door..he looka madhu & went to open the door..he opened the door & saw radha..

"what u want ma..??"rk..

"i want to know whether she is alive or not..?"radha..she pushes him & get inside & madhu sitting on the bed with closed eyes..she went near her & touched her shoulder..she opened her eyes..radha leaned a little..madhu hugs her & cried..

"she is a human.."radha..rk gritted his teeth..

"ma..u no need to interfere in this matter.."rk..

"y not rishu..u r my son..& i cant see my son doing a sin.."radha..

"may u can forget everything but i cant..& look now also she is trying to escape by blaming my papa for all that happend.."rk..

"rishu..she ur wife.."radha..

"so what..?"rk..

"u married her before the society..u promissed her father that u will keep her happy..& dont u know the meaning of 7 vows..u took 7 vows with her but what r u doing..u r trying to hurt her instead of loving her..for bearing all these what she had done to u.."radha..

"y u r supporting her...from the very first day itself i notice u have a soft corner towards her..u r my mother or her..??"rk.."she deserve this.."

"for what..for not sending ur father to jail..??"radha..

"what..what u r saying..??"rk..

"what u know about mohan kundra..he was a good father for his children but he wasn't a good husband or a good human.."radha..

"r u trying to support her..??"rk..

"no..for that i didn't heard what she said to u..but i want to say one thing ur papa was not a good person..he was the monstor who destroyed mine & family's life.."tears welled up in her eyes..

"ma..what r u saying..?"rk..without answering to him radha leaves there by sobbing..rk looks her going & then looks back madhu...

"u brainwashed my ma.."rk roared at her..madhu sobbed..rk went outside & locked the door..radha watches him leaving & went near the door & opened it silenty..madhu opened her eyes hearing someone's footstep..


"shh.."radha signalled her..she went near her & sat on the bed..


"madhu i know..my husband is not a good person..i dont know what he had done to u...but i am sure u didn't done anything wrong..rishu is madly loving his papa..so he wont believe u..pls go away from him..i cant see him like this..i will come on midnight & open this door..u want to go from here..but pls dont come back.."radha..

"ma but.."madhu..

"dont worry..i will manage everything.."radha..madhu hugs her & wept..


madhu hears the crackling sound of the door..she saw radha & went near her...

"here is ur bag..i had arranged taxi for u.."radha..madhu's eyes filled..madhu move in..

"madhu.."radha called..madhu turns & looks her..

"pls dont curse him.."radha wept...she nodded no & leaves..when she was about to door step she feel a pull on her waist..

"madhubala aahhaan.."she hears rk's voice & turns..she looks him terrified who is smirking at her..radha also come there shocked..

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