His secret

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madhu opened her eyes & saw rk standing before her with coffee cup..

"good morning.."rk..

"oh..i am sorry..i over slept.."madhu..

"its ok.."rk gave the coffee cup to madhu & leaves..madhu smiles..

After sometimes..

madhu came downstairs after getting fresh & saw radha is getting ready to go somewhere..radha saw madhu & smiles..

"hah..madhu go & get ready v r going to mandir..."radha..madhu smiles & nods..

"my beevi is not coming with u.."rk came there..


"but Rkji.."madhu..

"how many times i want to tell u call me rk..only rk..no need of that ji..ok.."rk..madhu just nodded..

"what is this rishu...i will become late for coming back.."radha..

"no problem..i am with her na.."rk..

"its my fear.."she thought..

"go ma..give us our own private time.."rk..madhu blushed..

"rishu.."radha called & rk went near her..

"rishu...pls.."radha told him..

"ma..u go.."rk...radha looks madhu..

"take care beti..."radha..madhu looks her confused..radha leaves..

After sometimes..

madhu hears some sound from upstairs & goes there...she found the sound is from their room..she opened the door & saw rk is boozing & he already broken a bottle & the glass pieces scattered here & there..he took another bottle start drinking from it..

"Rk..whats this..?"madhu went near him & snatched the bottle from..he looks her..

"hey..give it back.."rk..

"i dont like u drinking.."madhu lowered her head..

"so what..?it dont mean i cant drink..if u dont like u go from here.."rk.."now give it back.."

"no.."madhu throw the bottle away..

"you.."rk stood & gripped her neck..

"what u have done.."he tightened his grip..

"rk..leave me.."madhu hold his hands  & tried to come out from his grip..


"how i leave u..then for what i married u.."rk..

"rk..its paining.."madhu..for 1 second he thought & took off his grip from her neck..she starts coughing...he runs his fingers over his hair..

"i am sorry..."rk..madhu looks him & gulped..he moved towards her..she moves back in fear...

"is it hurts u..??"rk asked her by placing his both hands on either side of her shoulders...she shook her head in negative but fear gripped in her mind is clearly visible on her face..

"i am really sorry..if u dont like i will not drink again.."rk told & leaves from there..madhu went near mirror & looks..she finds red mark on her neck & touched there..

"y rk behaved like that..??"she thought..

In downstairs

"what u had done rk..if anything happens to her ..i wont allow her to die that much easily..i want play with her life like cat playing with mouse..."he thought & smirk..

"rk.."madhu came..

"what happend madhu..u r ok na.."rk..

"i am ok..i got this from ur shelf.."she showed a broken heart's locket "how u got this..tjis is my didu's.."..rk gritted his teeth..

"its not ur didu's..its my.."he stopped..

"its ur..?"madhu..

"nothing..its mine..my friend gave me this.."rk..madhu loos him..

"oh..i thought..actually my didu too had a locket like this so i asked.."madhu..

"hm.."rk nodded..madhu leaves...

"U & ur didu..ur didu got the punishment for her sins next is ur turn.."he clenched his fist..

madhu took a tour around the home..she finds a locked room & tried to open but fails..

"rk..rk.."madhu calls him..

"ha.."rk came there..

"y this room is locked..whats inside this..?"madhu..rk seems tensed..

"aa..this is storeroom..only some old stuff inside this.."rk..

"oh..i thought.."madhu..

"what u thought.."rk asked bit tensed..

"no..i thought inside this room some ghost is there..i used to saw in films.."madhu..

"ho.."rk feels relief..

"madhu can u bring some water for me.."rk..

"yeah..sure.."madhu leaves..

"madhubala its not just a room..old stuffs in this room r the dreams & life of a person that ur sister destroyed..."he thought..tears filled in his eyes..

"no rk..no tears..this tears have no place in ur life anymore now its the turn of madhubala to cry.."he thought..

"rk.."madhu calls him & he came out of his thoughts..


"water.."madhu gave the water to him & he drank it..



"do u have a sibling..??"madhu..

"what..??"he looks her bewildered..

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