Truth Revealed

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"Rk..i am totally confused..whats happening around us..?"madhu..

"1 min..let me our family connected to each other.."rk..

"i am also asking the same na.."madhu looks him..

"hm..only 2 ppl can give answer to this..first one ur papa malik..second one radha ma.."rk said..

"but do u think they will say it..then y they hide these all from us  for these much years..??"madhu..

"they wont tell us..."rk stood up from the bed..

"then..??"she placed her hands on either sides of her hip..

"v wan to find it out.."rk...his phone starts ringing..he picks it up..

"hello..Rishab kundra..??"a voice came from the other end..

"yes..who is this..??"rk replayed...

"i am sub-inspector nikhil lamba..hope u didn't forgot me.."nikhil..

"sir what happend now..v came back home na.."rk..

"its not the matter.."nikhil..


"mohan kundra is ur father na.."nikhil..he remained silent for a while.."hm.."he hummed..

"sorry to say..ur papa commited suicide..."nikhil..

"what..??"his breath hitched..

"yes..can u come here tomorrow morning..??"nikhil..

"yes..i will.."he cuts the call..

"whats the matter rk.."madhu asked seeing his surmised face...

"madhu..he..he was dead.."rk..


"mo..mohan kundra.."rk..


" i got call from SI..he committed suicide.."rk..

"suicide but.."madhu..

"no..its not true..i am sure..he wont hesitate to kill anyone for his own existence.."rk..

"u mean..?"madhu..

"its a murder..."rk..

"wha...what..??mur..mur..MURDER..!!"she said it aloud..

"shh..if any one here.."he looks around..

"tell the truth rk u killed him na.."madhu..

" u gone mad..??"rk..

"u told na he is threat for our life..& now u r telling its a can u say it without any doubt.."madhu..

"becoz i know mohan kundra very well..& i didn't killed him..its some other person.."rk looks her..

"but i think.."before she could complete he cuts off her"& pls..give rest to ur damn brain.."

she rolled her eyes at him & he looks away..suddenly his lips curved to a smile..

"y r u smiling..??"madhu asked him..



"hah..cry for help.."rk..

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