Another Villain

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"u only know mohan kundra as ur husband..u didn't see the another face if mine..u know shradha..??mukund's first was a love marriage..she loved me madly while i was loving her money..she was the only daughter of billionaire mihul sharma..soon after our marriage over her ma & papa died in an accident.."he pretend sob...

"after an year mukund born..i loved my wife very i told her that i will mange her papa's business..& that fool believed me blindly without knowing i killed my darling sasuji & sasu ma.."he laughs...radha gasped seeing the monstrous creature standing before her & laughing evilly.."how a man can fall so low for money.."radha thought & looks him..

"soon she named whole property into my name...but a small mistake from my part like happend now..she come to know about me..about thus mohan kundra..& like u she threatened what can i do..i..i killed my sweetheart..before the world it was r u forcing me to do a murder again.."he said looking at radha..she start sweating..

"what happend..y u r sweating radha..r u afraid..??y..y u r afraid of me..i am ur dear husband na..i wont hurt u..but i can hurt ur family..ur bhai,bhai their daughter & my bhai's dear son rishab..hah rishab he is now here na so now my job become easy..rishab was playing but unknowingly he slipped off from the stairs &..closed his eyes for is my story..believable na..or should make another story.."he said smirking at radha..

"y y r doing all these..??"radha asked with trempling voice..

"oh..again same question..i had answered u..for money..only for money..for that i wont hesitate to kill anyone if its even my father or my wife.."mohan said in a dangerous tone..

"then..y u married..i was not rich na.."radha asked..

"plan was all my plan & u r my shield dear..u know i thought if my damn bhai didn't marry anyone then after his death this whole property will be mine..but what he had done he collapsed my whole dreams..then i thought to end their chapter..but in somehow malik come ro know about the truth..??it worried me a lot..but when hears from bhabhi that she have a elder sister too then mind start working..i heard that both sister r his both eyes..if i own one of that eyes..then they will keep mum for her life no problem for me..& now the decision is ur..u have 2 ways..1.keep ready to see ur family's destruction..."mohan said..


"i didn't have any other option than hearing his words bearing all his tortures.."she said & wept..

"but ma..y..y didn't u told all these to us..atleast malikji can said all to madhu na.."rk...

"no..v didn't want to risk madhu's life..if v tell anything then v want to tell everything including the truth behind padmini' death.."radha said..

"truth behind ma death..?that means my ma.."madhu said shocked..

"was killed.."radha.."he didn't even allow me to see my sister's & jiju's dead body..i bear all that for 2 years but when i lost my control i told everything to my bhai..but my one mistake costs my bhabhi's life..madhu was an infant then...bhai filed a case against him in return he kidnapped my bhabi & threatened him with her life..but bhai didn't reck his words..but that monster..he..he killed bhabhi.."radha said with teary eyes..

"no.."madhu screams & burst out into cry..

"madhu.."rk held by her shoulders & consoles her..

"he again threatened with his children's he took the case back..& that monster won.."she said..

"so malikji knew who was me before our marriage itselt..??"rk asked & radha nodded..

"then y he gave her hand to me..??"rk asked her..

"becoz she was for u..bhai promised mihir..trishna was elder than rishu so he said when padmini give birth to a girl again she is for rishu..but v didn't knew that everything is going to end before our eyes..bhai wants to keep his promise so he got u married with madhu..but when i came to know that u married her for revenge..but still i had more to know..bhai was worried about madhu so i used to call him & gave information about both u.."radha..

" i want to say on thing.."rk said looking her...

"what..?"radha asked..

"u want to hear it calmly.."rk..

"say it rishu.."radha..

" ma..i meant meera ma..she is..she is still alive.."rk said..

"what...?"radha asked wonderingly..

"yes..its ma is still alive..i saw her.."rk..

"what..when..when & where..tell rishu..where us my meera.."radha said..

"ma..calm down..i dont know where is she...actually mohan kundra said me that she is alive..she is imprisoned somewhere..he showed least i wanted my ma i was forced to all that.."rk said..

"but rishu.."radha asked confused..

"mohan kundra only knew where is she..but..he is..he is no more.."rk said..

"what..what r u saying rishu..??mohan kundra..he..he dead..?but how.."radha..

"today i got a call..police saying that he committed suicide..but i know him clearly na..he wont commit suicide..someone killed him.."rk said..radha looked him & thought..

After a week..

"ma..what r u thinking...?"rk asked radha with madhu standing beside him..

"no..i was thinking about him.."radha..

"about that mohan..??leave it ma..he is no more in this world.."rk..madhu nodded agreeing with him..

"no rishu..who killed him..??"radha..

"he killed himself na.."rk said & radha looks..

"before world he killed himself..v dont want to change v want to find my ma..v can file a missing case..police can help us.."rk said with confidence..radha nodded..suddenly his phone start ringing..its an unknown number..he picks the call..

"hello who is this..??"rk..

"i am balraj chowdary.."he said..

"balraj chowdary..??"rk said that name & radha looks him bewildered..

"balraj chowdary..!!"she mumbled..

"rishu cut the call.."radha said with worried face..

"ma..what happed..?"rk..

"i said na..cut.."radha..he cuts the call & went near her..

"ma..what happend..y u look worried..??you know him..??"rk asked..

"rishu..he is.."when she was about to tell his phone again starts ringing..

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