Hidden Pain

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"What...what u said now..?"madhu asked him..

"Nothing.."he turns to other side not facing her..

"What u said now..i want to know.."madhu..

"Y u want to know it all..u cant do anything.."rk..

"Rk i have the right to ask becoz i am ur.."she controlled her tongue before the word jump off from her mouth..

"Becoz u r my wife..right.."he completed..she looks away..

"I didn't get the proper answer..y u r doing this all.."madhu..he remained silent...

"Say it..i want to know.."she shouted..

"U want to know na..then hear..i am doing this all to save my father mohan kundra...now happy.."jr said dangerously stepping towards her..he is looking dangerous but yet she can see the pain in his eyes..

"So..so u know ur father was a.."madhu..

"I know..i know my father is a bl**dy ras**l.."he said clenchinh his fist..

"You know y i brought u here.."he asked sensitively..

"For killing me.."she said..

"No...for saving u..."rk..

"For saving me..from whom..?"madhu..

"From mohan kundra.."rk..

"What r u saying..y he want to kill me & he..he is now on.."stopped by him.."it was all his great plan..u dont know anything.."tears filled in his eyes..

Past(2 years back)

"Bhai...y r u crying.."rk asked mukund who is sobbing..

"Rishu.."he hugs him & cried more..

"Bhai..what happend..?"rk slowly pats on his back..mukund breaks the hug & looks him..

"Rishu..trishna.. "mukund..

"What happend to bhabhi..?"rk..he showed the photos that he got & trishna's words to him..

"What..no i cant believe this.."rk..

"She didn't loved me rishu..for her all was just a time pass.."mukund..

Rk's phone starts ringing..he saw trishna's name is displaying..

"Bhai 1 min..i will be back soon.."he told & went outside & picks up the call..

"Hello rishab.."trishna..

"What the hell u want..?"rk shouted through the phone..

"I want to see u.."trishna..

"I am not interested.."rk..

"Pls..pls hear what i want to say.."trishna..

"Then say.."rk..

"I cant it throught phone..can u come to eastern garden cafe now..?"trisha..he thought for a while the cuts the call without answering..

Eastern garden cafe

Trishna waited for rk to come..finally he came & without giving much attention to her he occupied the seat opposite to her..

"Whats the matter...?"rk..

"This may be our last meeting.."trishna..

"I want this to be.."rk..

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