Perfect Family (Last Part)

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balraj looked rk & smirks..he looks away..

"can u pls gave me way to get inside..?"balraj asked..rk moved aside & gave him way..balraj enters inside both madhu & rk looks them worried..balraj sat on the couch & looks radha & madhu..

"namasthea radhaji..this is u ur bahu..?very beautiful.."he said..radha gritted her teeth & looks away..

"mr.balraj u didn't came here to judge for any beauty contest na..lets get into the matter.."rk said & sat opposite to him..

"hm..very smart..just like mihir.."he said..

"where is my ma..??"rk asked him..

"did u forgot about the property..??"balraj..

"no but seems like u forgot about my ma..i want my ma..tell where is she..??"rk asked..

"dont u believe me..?"balraj asked..

"how i believe a ra**al like u..?"rk..

"oh..then u believed that mohan na.."balraj..

"i tink u knew what happend to him..ppl like u finally get that punishmeant..death.."rk said & hearing balraj laughs evilly..

"it was my punishment..i punished him for betraying him.."he said..radha & madhu looks him bewildered..but rk sat there like statue...

"y r u silent scared hearing this.."balraj asked raising his eyebrows...

"scared..??for what..?"rk asked..

" u r not scared of me..??"balraj asked..

"never mr.chowdary.."rk..

"ok..u scared of me or not..its not the matter..its the matter about money right..i & mohan were 50-50 parters..but finally he betrayed for him & prison for me.."he said & gritted his teeth..

"i said u na i want to see my my first.."rk..

"she is safe..first sign this.."he said by keeping property papers on the glass table before them..

"first i want to see my ma.."rk..

"first sign this.."balraj..

"untill i see my ma..i wont sign.."rk said with determination..

"u r making me angrily.."balraj said with a frown..

"first do what i said..."rk stood up & left..balraj looks him leaving & left angrily..madhu runs behind him..rk entere him room..madhu too enters & closed the door..

"whats ur intention rk..i dont want to wear white saree.."madhu..

"white saree..??"he looked her confused..

"if u die i become a widow na widows r usually wearing white saree.."madhu said..

"i didn't died yet na..then y u saying like this..?"rk asked..

"soon u r going to be die na.."madhu said with a bit anger..

"what..u want to say..??stop ur drama & say it clearly.."rk said..

"r u playing with that balraj..??dont u like to live..he killed the great criminal mohan & u r..u r making him angry..rk v dont want these properties..give it to him..meera ma is important for us na..after getting her v can go to any other place & live there peacefully.."madhu said..

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