Another Shocking Truth

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Both madhu & rk stood hearing the sound & with in seconds police entered inside..

"mr.rishab kundra...u r under arrest.."inspector nikhil told him..

"what..?but..what i have done..??"rk..

"u kidnapped ur wife & tried to hurt her it is the compliant again u..its ur ma who files case against u.."nikhil..

"sorry mr.kundra v want to do our duty..."nikhil told...

"but sir he didn't done anything.."madhu..

"who r u..?"nikhil..

"i am his wife.."madhu..

" u r the kidnapped person..?"nikhil...

"no sir..actually he didn't kidnapped me.."madhu..

"then..did his own ma lied about him..& how u reached here...?"nikhil..

"v came here to celebrate our honeymoon.."madhu..rk looks her dumbstruck..

" u trying to save him or he threatened u..?"nikhil..

"no..actually v thought to make it different...this is an isolated area & no one come to disturb us..but u were come na.."madhu..rk chuckled under his breath..

"but ur sasu ma told.."nikhil..

"oh..leave about her she is always a bobbery for..she wont give us private space..v r also humans na & newly was our drama.."madhu chuckled..rk looked her wide eyed..

"hey stop..v r not here to judge ur drama & give points..some insane people like u r here for wasting our time..err..if u ever repeat this.."nikhil..

"sorry sir.."madhu...

"today itself u want to go back..okk.."nikhil..they nodded..& they leaves..

"ho..escaped..."madhu gasped..

"biwi..u have good future in acting..what an acting.."rk..madhu glares at him..

"hm..v told them lie na..."rk..


"y cant v make this a real honeymoon trip.."he winked..

"rk.."she glares at him.."come v want to go back.."

after some time they reached rk mansion..radha opened the door hearing the voice of calling bell...

"Rishu,madhu..."she gasped..

"u r ok na.."she cupped madhu's face & asked..

"ha ma..i am fine..actually v.."before she could complete rk told"v r tired..talks r after some time now can u pls move from the way.."

radha moved aside..rk holds madhu's hand & enters inside..

"u r a nice mothers if madhu didn't intercede i would be in lock up by this time.."rk said..

"i am sorry rishu..but i was worried about madhu...i thought.."radha..

"i will hurt her hah.."rk..radha looks him..he smiles..

"come biwi v can go to our room.."he told & headed towards their room..radha looked them confused...

"what happend to rishu..y he is so cool today..??"she thought..

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