Chapter 8

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Unedited. Apologies for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes!


(Sasha's POV)

The ride to our childhood location was deafening. LeRoy hasn't spoken a word since we left my house. It would be a lie if I had said I didn't mind the silence. My thoughts were just running wild and I don't know what had Lekaa had said to LeRoy but his body language told me that it has to be something important. What I couldn't understand is why the need to meet at our location? I couldn't bring myself to ask, hence I just kept quiet and followed LeRoy's lead.

Our location is actually a secluded area near all our houses, where we would play when we were younger. It was a clearing in the forest nearby. It was a zone where six of us would hang and just relax. Yes, the six of us. LeRoy, Lekaa, Nate, Dylan, myself and Amyna. Amyna was the girl living next to Dylan. He had been smitten by her beauty and had asked her to hang with us on the first day of Secondary school. Ever since we were all inseparable despite the age difference. The three guys were two years older than us and they always have seen us as equal.

We girls were just eight and the guys ten. We were finding a way to cheer up Nate but honestly looking for a distraction for him. Him losing his parents at such a young age was rather a splash of ice water to the face. We were living in a fantasy world, thinking nothing bad could ever happen to anyone of us. I knew that day, we four grew up along with Nate. We usually played at the park down the street but I felt we need a new play to hang and get our own privacy. LeRoy, Lekaa, Dylan and I were walking to Nate's house to convince him out of his house. His grandmother called up my mother, requesting her to let me and the others to come over to their house as Nate had been cooped up in his room for a month. We understood he was grieving but he had keep on living. He was just ten. Too young to be throwing his life away.

We were passing by the forest when we heard a whimper. "Guys? Please tell me y'all heard that " I yell-whispered. All of the nodded. LeRoy being the 'brave one' decided to investigate with Dylan in tow. As curious as I always am, I didn't follow them as I looked at a shivering Lekaa. She was very afraid of the forest, thanks to all her brothers. I couldn't leave her alone but it wasn't safe for two eight year olds to be standing on the outskirts of the forest. "Kia!" a familiar squeaky voice, followed by the owner of the voice coming to my view. "You need to check this out. We found the perfect place to play! Come on!" he dragged me by the hand that wasn't holding to Lekaa. Without a choice, Lekaa followed in tow with a small gasp.

LeRoy maneuvered through the thick tree in a haste, leaving unable to find a landscape in case we lose our way. Suddenly, we saw sunlight. "You are definitely going to love this place. You too Leks!" LeRoy bounced in excitement. I giggled at how his jet-black locks bounced along with him. "Okay okay let's see." Lekaa voice trembled. The forest was really getting to her. "Alright! Come on!" he grabbed my hand as I trailed behind him with Lekaa beside him seeking comfort from her older brother. Noticing his sister's appearance beside him, LeRoy held her wrist with his free hand. I admired his protectiveness towards his sister. I guess I had a crush on him at such a tender age. When we reached the clearing, it took my breath away. The grass was so green and the open place was just perfect for our games and our mini soccer matches. Lekaa started running around with Dylan chasing her. "So, what you think? Would Nate like this place?" LeRoy asked. I nodded my head vigorously. "Erm. Do you like this place?" He asked again but shyly. I turned to him with a small smile and nodded slowly again. He looked so relieved. Four of us agreed into bringing Nate here instead of the park playground. We left the forest towards Nate's house with the boys leading us and Lekaa holding my hand in a death grip.

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