Aftermath Pt.2

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Angel P.O.V

We finally make it home and after the day that we all have had it's better if we all just get some rest. I go upstairs and knock on Venus's bedroom door and wai fort her to open it. I heard music and water running and thought Maybe she is just taking a shower.  So I knocked harder hoping that she would hear me but I still hadn't got an answer. I heard the water being turned off and a few seconds later the door opened revealing a wet and bruised Venus. "Hey I was taking a shower didn't hear you," she says with a smile. "I was just coming to check on you. I thought that maybe you would want some company tonight." I go to enter her room but she pushes me out quickly. "Thanks but I'm at it alone tonight," she says calmly before slamming the door in my face. I just stand there stunned and angry though. Then I hear a creek from the staircase quickly giving myself whiplash I discover that it's only Dontae. "You heard that?" "Yes, but in her defense, she had a rough day and she needs a little time to herself that's all." Itooke a minute or two and sadly sighed "Yeah you're right I just want her to be okay but you're right." He smiled took my hand in his and led me to my room door but I stopped him. "The only guy that ever came into my room broke my heart and I don't want that to happen again promise me that you won't break my heart and take me for granted,d," I said with a cracked voice. It was hard and uncomfortable to let him see my vulnerability this way. He simply said, "I'm nothing like your ex ok he messed up and is now missing out on a good thing right now. I, for one, intend to treasure you and treat you like you deserve to be treated that's like a queen. I'm by your side all the way ok?" Boy, that made me feel good on the inside. "Ok" and with that, I opened my bedroom door let inside closed the door, and locked it so no one could get in😉.

  Kendrick's P.O.V

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS GUY!!!! I'm pacing back and forth in the living room. I am BEYOND pissed off I'm ready to kill someone, someone in particular but he's in custody right now probably making deals with a devil just so he could get outScottt free......Bullshit you're not as soon as he gets out and takes that breath of fresh air I'm gonna be there to make sure that it's the last breath he ever takes. "Kendrick honey please sit down before you walk a hole in the floor,r" Venus's mom says. "Ma please not right now I wanna hurt somebody and I don't want that to be you Angel and especially not Venus so can you please just give me some space right now." I know I shouldn't have said that I see the hurt in her eyes and I immediately regret it. I sigh and slowly walk over to her, drop to my knees, and place my head on her lap. The moment she touched my head I broke down in tears. I know I know pretty pathetic of me. "She's going to be fine ok? She's going to come out of this stronger than ever ok? We all have to be there for her while at the same time giving her her space so that she can heal from this ok?" she said matter of factly. I love Ma's wiseness and optimism in any situation along with her hugs that'll make you feel like you're on a cloud. "Ok," I said defeated. I can't argue with that because I know it's true. She's right about everything. "Now get up so I can make this sofa up because from the look of things you're not getting a foot through the door tonight but you should go up and tell her that you're here and that you'll be downstairs if she needs you and By the time you get back the sofa will be fixed up." I pulled myself off of Ma's lap and walked upstairs toward Venus's room. As soon as I went to knock on the door she opened it like she was about to come out but she stopped as soon as she saw me. She had on street clothes instead of sleeping clothes. "Hey baby, where are you going?" I asked her confused. "I'm going out for a walk I need to clear my head." "Oh well, I'll come with you." "NO you don't need to I'll be fine." "But I insist that I came too-" "On second thought I don't need to go anywhere good night." she then proceeded to close the door abruptly in my face without letting me finish or get a word in. I'm starting to worry about her and her mental health but I know that there's nothing I can do except wait on her until she's ready to talk to me and her family.

 *Later the night*

Venus P.O.V

Thank you that everyone issleepingp because I can't stay another minute in this house. I need to go take care of some business that I certainly don't want everyone's nose in. I made a decision to go out of the window instead of the front door simply because the stairs creek and I don't want to wake anyone up. Once I'm out of the house, I quickly make my way down the street to the bus stop this is the only way I could get to where I'm trying to go....

   *15 minutes later*

I get off the bus in frontoff a 24-hour Walmart. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I say to myself as I enter in building to my surprise I stay relatively calm and I'm not used to this but BOY did this feel and sound marvelous. I make my way to the wellness aisle and begin looking for what I came here for... Once I found it I gathered up as many as I could and went to the hardware aisle picked up the other items and went to checkout. The lady looked at me slightly confused while ringing up my items. "$25.50," She said lazily. I gave her the money and was out the door just in time to catch the bus back home... Some changes will be made from now on

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