Bad News😱😱

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Angel P.O.V

Last night was amazing even though we just went to sleep in each other's arms it still was magical. I found myself curled up in a little ball with my head on Dontae's chest. Lord, please give me the strength to not fangirl over how incredibly fine this boy is. I don't know what came over me but I felt the need to bother him while he slept. Me being well me😂, I started to write letters, song lyrics, draw shapes, and other random things but while I was enjoying myself a hint of sadness washed over me. I wrote these simple yet painful words on his chest... I don't know if I can do this. Be that girlfriend that you want me to be. 

My relationship ended because I wouldn't give it up so I'm in some sort of denial that you're interested in me because of my brain and personality. That wad of cash that you gave me along with all the other things, don't get me wrong they are nice but I feel they're not really because you wanted to do something nice for me but insurance that I'll have to pay back with my body and I'm just not ready for that ok?. My virginity is for when I find the right guy and be married to and have children with I feel that he should have it once we're married... But I realize that I'm hurting pride and burning bridges for my innocence. I'm so sorry. 

Once I finished writing I go to erase the imaginary words but I hear a deep growl. "Is that what you think I want from you?" His voice caught me completely by surprise and caused me to go crashing down onto the floor with a loud thud. "I thought you were asleep."

 I said bewildered and embarrassed. "I was until you started writing on me like a chalkboard which I found quite funny until you wrote that. I can't believe you would think that about me. I showed you nothing but kindness and you throw that up in my face. Not all men come for what is in between a woman's legs. They come for what's between your ears. There are good men out in the world who come to restore the broken pieces that the previous man left behind. That's what a real man does. He finishes his mission first then the love and sex come after, when a woman is truly ready to try again at another relationship. But since you think that's all I want from you is sex then maybe we need to stop things right here right now." He says with a raised voice. 

He has never spoken to me that way. As hurt as I am that he would. Sad because what he said was true to the highest power. He's such a nice guy and I'm pretty much blown any chance of us getting together eventually. He got out of my bed to put on his shoes and jacket in a swift and appalled fashion. "Don't worry about taking me home I'll just walk." He says while making his way to the door. I immediately made a mad dash for the door and threw my body at it forcing it to remain shut. "Ang please move" "No I'm not letting you leave for good. I need you here...with me...I'm sorry I said those things ok I'm just still hurt but I'm willing to try and get past this. Please don't go." There was a long uncomfortable pause that couldn't be filled just yet. This type of pause is draining mentally physically and emotionally. It helps you think about even though you have a heavy heart and a clouded mind you need to make a decision. Dontae stares at me, not blinking, for five minutes just taking it all in and then suddenly walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. I feel like a complete asshole and the thought of him leaving just I don't know what it did to me but I think this could be something good and I'm willing to give it a try. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I have a way of debating and getting upset when I'm passionate about things. I didn't mean to disrespect you." "It's fine I'm sorry for being childish as well." We hugged each other for a little bit before we heard someone beating down my door. I open it to find Kendrick with a very pissed-off expression on his face. "Come downstairs." and with that, he disappeared downstairs. Concerned about his behavior, Me and Dontae went downstairs to find Moma and Kendrick in the living room with a female officer. "What's going on here?" I asked confused yet upset. If this bastard posted bail I'm going to find him and kill him myself. "Hello I'm Officer Sharae Russell and I've come by today just to check on Ms. Venus and give some new information to her." at that particular moment, Venus came down only to just stand there with everyone looking at her. "What's wrong with everyone?" She asked. "Hi Ms. Venus I'm Officer Sharae Russell how are you?" Officer Russell said very politely. "I remember you from yesterday. I'm doing well but may I ask what is the basis for your visit?" Venus harshly snapped at her. "Well, I'm here to inform you that Mr. Terrance has pleaded guilty and has taken a plea deal so there won't be a trial." "Well if that's all I'd like you to leave now please." with that Venus just waltzed her way into the kitchen. We all just had a look of shock on our faces. One, because Venus has never spoken to anyone like that. Two, because he didn't want to have to look at her face to face in that court trial and he took a plea deal. "How much is the plea deal?" Moma asked. "I don't know that information is between Mr. Terrance, his lawyer, and the D.A. I hope I didn't cause any more pain. I am very sorry this happened to you're family. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy." 

Officer Russell said with a cracked voice. My mother immediately hugged her and said these simple words, "Thank you for caring so much it's good to see officers that are so passionate and considerate of others." After Officer Russell left I went to the kitchen where Venus was. She was there just sitting at the island staring at the counter. I was upset and at that point, I didn't care how she felt. "What's wrong with you?!? You know better than to talk to talk like that. Didn't momma raise you better than that?!?" Then suddenly she snapped at me. "Why don't you mind your own DDDDDAAAAAAMMMMNNNN MOTHERFUCKING BUSINESS. Why don't you get raped by someone you thought you knew and see how it feels but until then fuck off." She got up and pushed past me out of the kitchen. I wasn't ready at all for that. Now I feel like a complete ass. Dontae comes in like he didn't hear anything but his eyes were a different story. "This is just a phase she'll get back to her old self soon enough." I just hugged him and buried my face into his chest. "I hope so because O don't know how many times I can stick my foot into my mouth."

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