💉F**K Galores 🔪

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Deonte (Dontae's brother )

Venus POV
I should have rode with Angel to school why did I have to stay home and be sick 😷. This man is trying me. Terrence came up here asking me if I was okay every damn hour then tried to feed me some soup like I was a 3-year-old kid on top of that the man had the nerve to tell me I looked sexy even while sick, like what? Tired of laying in this bed feeling gross and worn out from the coughing, blowing my nose to even sweating I headed to the bathroom to take a shower and do something about my appearance. I went back to my room to grab some clothes. Starting the shower I removed my sweaty pajamas and stepped in the shower starting with my hair I made sure to massage gently. While under the water I started to hear music playing but I could've sworn I left my phone in my room on the charger with shampoo all over my face I couldn't open my eyes as quickly as I wanted to I finished doing what I was doing then felling a pair of hands on me I started to freak out.

" calm down baby girl I'm just trying to help you out," he said
The very nice sounded so familiar I finally opened my eyes and saw Terrence standing in front of me naked I quickly hurried up and covered myself up.
" why the fuck are you in here how the fuck did you even get in get out before I call the cops and tell my momma " I screamed at him. Once I said that his whole demeanor changed as his eyes started to turn black. I tried my best to get out of the shower but he grabbed me starting to choke me. I started scratching at his hands he started to punch me. Going in and out of consciousness I felt him start to push himself into me while saying vulgar things to me even calling my name by the time he was done all I saw was blackness but could hear the opening and closing of the bathroom door but the water was still running. After a few minutes of crying and trying to gather myself I crawled to my room closed the door and locked it I called Angie getting her voicemail. I then called my mom and she answered, crying I quickly tried to tell her what happened but she told me to slow down and try again. I took a few breaths and then told her that Terrence raped me and that she needed to come home now. She told me to hold on while waiting I could hear her calling the police on her office phone. Coming back to the phone she told me to stay in my room. I grabbed the cover on my bed and wrapped myself up waiting for my mom to come get me I was and still am a mess. Why me?

Angel POV
Leaving the mall and the movie theater I was becoming tired I checked my phone and saw I had a missed call from Venus I called her back and she answered crying. I asked her what was wrong she slowly explained to me what happened and that my mom was on her way home. Starting to cry and get angry myself I quickly hung up grabbed Dontae's hand and jetted to my truck . " what's wrong ... Angie ... up slow down " Dontae yelled out to me. I threw my stuff in the back of the truck and started the car while Dontae got in putting his seat belt on and asking me what was wrong. I just simply shook my head and focused on driving. Once I got to the house I saw police officers there putting Terrence in handcuffs and my momma cursing him out bout to lay hands on him. I hopped out of my truck seeing my dad pull up in his car hopped out as well running towards Terrence finally getting to him and starting to punch him Terrence being in handcuffs made it less easier for him to fight back. The officers soon broke them up and put my dad in handcuffs putting them in different squads. I rushed into the house with Dontae right behind me and not to Venus's room seeing she was on the floor in a long shirt and sweat bruised and crying while telling the woman officer what happened I got down on the floor grabbed her and embraced her in a hug she whispered to me " get him outta here Angie I don't want them seeing me like this " I looked up to see Dontae holding Kendrick back from going out there and beating Terrence ass too. I told Dontae to take him somewhere and he nodded as I closed her door letting her finish to talk to the officer.
"Okay, Venus thank you for telling me what happened here is my card if you think of anything else feel free to call and let me know I have an ambulance on the way and they are going to take you in and do some tests to make sure everything is fine and give you something for all the bruising alright sweety? Remember I'm Officer Sharae Russell " Venus nodded and leaned more into me still crying once the officer left Kendrick came storming back in the room crying getting down on the floor with us putting us both in his arms as we all cried. Dontae stood at the door with a mad facial expression I got up and walked into his arms still crying.
" it's okay Ang she'll be fine I promise calm down okay just breathe" Doing as I was told I nodded and he looked at me holding my face . " look I'll stay with y'all tonight and we can watch her okay ?" I nodded turning towards Venus and Kendrick. I didn't have to ask my mom for him to stay because they were like the best of friends and she already told him he was welcome anytime she could just sleep on the couch in my room. Hearing the Ambulance getting here I helped Venus up and we walked downstairs with her as they put her in the truck letting my mom go with her. Kendrick Dontae and I got in my truck and we followed them to the hospital. Sighing this would be a long night and I was
surely about to pray very hard!

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