10th Doctor The Christmas Invasion/ With Rose Tyler

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This was my first trip with the 10th doctor I had traveled some times with the other versions of the doctor just not that much because I did not have a good past but that is a story for another day now to this story...

We went to Rose's mom's house for christmas. The doctor came out of the tardis and just collapsed we brought him inside and he was sleeping and I watched over him to make sure he stayed save. I made a cup of hot chocolate and drank it while I sat and watched over him. I fell asleep in his room on the other side of his bed. Rose called my name and I came out there christmas tree started to spin yes spin like blades. Rose whispered into the doctors ear saying help me and he woke up and made the tree stop. The doctor was still hurt. He was still recovering from just regenerating the last version of him was the 8th doctor because like I said the 9th doctor never excested well long story about the 9th doctor it just was not the doctor you all know of. I knew the doctor would be ok he just needed alot of rest. There were pilot fish that was what was attacking us. There was said to be a worse thing arriving. There was a ship coming very fast. I kept telling Rose that the doctor would be ok I had given the doctor some of my power so I was kinda weak and dizzy which I new when the doctor woke up would be mad about but that was the only way I could make sure he stayed save. I had fallen back to sleep next to the doctor because I was quite weak I had told Rose I just was not feeling that well. She said many things about the doctor while I slept Rose new I was not that well and I needed sleep she told me to stay. While I was asleep all these people had been hypnotized they were all heading towards one place the edge of a tall building all them all around the world thousands standing on the edge of buildings 2 billon people ready to jump and die. Rose had no hope I could since it but I could not get up and even if I did I had no clue what to do. There all A positive blood type the monsters were controlling people by A positive blood types. The prime minister was calling to the doctor and Rose was crying. We were going to the tardis I woke up we went to the tardis we had to carry the doctor. The Tardis teleported to the alien ship. Rose walked out of the tardis not knowing we had teleported to the alien ship. Rose screamed Mikey/ Rose's Friend ran out to help I stayed inside with the doctor. The doctor came out I was still inside I told him to go out and help I said I would explain later I lied and said I did not feel good I colapsed inside the tardis the tardis explained I needed sleep no one outside the tardis could hear what the tardis said to me I said to the tardis I don't need sleep I need to help my brother. I walked out the doctor pressed the button that was said to kill the people but it did not. The doctor challenged the aliens. The doctor won the battle he made al the aliens leave and he saved everyone again. We went to Roses House for Christmas dinner it was amazing and fun..

.... We later got back on the tardis ready to go on another adventure....

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