The days we have left are what matter!

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The doctor was thinking of Amy And Rory.. I was talking to him

Cara- Doctor.

Doctor- what?

Cara- I always told myself I will loose people I have left people behind I have killed I have watched so much sadness.. But that is not what matters the good days matter these days that I have matter yes After I lost Our Mother, Our Sister, Marcy, Amy And Rory, Abigail, and so many more people I felt so sad I mean you saw how I was after Amy and Rory's death I was terrible. And When I lost our mom and sister I went crazy and when I was young our mom told me about you she said there is this crazy man that travels through space and time in a blue box saving people and his name is the doctor and he is your brother she explained to me how I needed to wait to see you I listened to her and waited I was so sad after all of that but Abigail told me it does not matter about the bad moments and that I need to focus on the good the happy moments we need to focus on only those !

Doctor- I know

Cara- Some times I feel like you don't..

Doctor- I do it is just hard

Cara- I know...


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