my conversation with River.. After The Silence in the Library and before that version of her died
Cara- River...
River- Yes wait why did everyone stop..
Cara- I stopped to say goodbye I know I will see you in the future the other version of you but I also know you die today and that hurts so much and I know you know the doctors name but truth I do to I just can't remember it also it hurts so much and I know you have something for me and a message with it.
River- Yes the doctor's screw driver You know when to take it when I die...
Cara- The future version of the doctor had a reason to give it to me and a message what was it what does the note say..
......She handed me the note......
Dear, Cara
Cara my sister so spectacular I know you are reading this way before it happens before it all happens I wish you had told me sooner I am surprised that I never did realize something was wrong and I am sorry for that I see you again well after you go away 24 years later I will see you and then on that day I will tell you my name I will answer the question Doctor Who.. And you will tell me about your 24 years on Earth. Cara Winchester I will miss you be kind to that version of me and the screw driver yes you will not have it on the other world but for now keep it by your side River has her reasons for giving it to you and my reasons are I love you when I found out about you at first I thought oh god another time lord.. But then I got to know you and well things changed you are spectacular. See you soon Cara Winchester.
Love, The Doctor
..... I cried and looked at River and hugged her...
Cara- what does happen to me
River- I can't tell you I am so sorry
Cara- what are you sorry about what happens to me
River- you will find out when it is time
When she died I walked up to her body and got the screw driver out of her pocket but what I did not know was the doctor saw me...
... I put it in my pocket but first I whispered I don't want to go why do things like this have to happen... and I stood up..
.. I cried and screamed we went away...
I did talk to the doctor about all of it in the future when I remembered and I only used the screw driver a few times.. But the doctor did ask me about it..
Doctor- What was that? why did you steal the screw driver and how do you know her!
Cara- She is kind always was and well I guess will be.. and she gave me the screw I did not steal it! well technically you gave it to me and thank you doctor thank you so much doctor! --- Crying--- I am happy we have so many years left...
Doctor- Left what do you mean left you are not going any where
Cara- That is true I am not going any time soon... I hope you know when I saw you the first time I saw light I saw you before you saw me I saw the 8th doctor I never saw the other doctors I was not alive yet but I did technically see them but that is a story for the future so many stories of my life to come so many adventures.. Now Lets go
Doctor- wait explain
Cara- Spoilers... Just a few years till I tell you when I know and be patient I sure will have to.. Now you ready to go on another adventure
Doctor- I am your brother you can tell me anything
Cara- Doctor I can't even tell you I don't know yet. Now We need to go.
Doctor- Ok..
.. We Left...
The Doctor's Half Sister
FanficHi My name is Cara Winchester yes I am also the half sister of Sam and Dean Winchester but I already told about that part of my life now it is time to tell the side where I traveled through time and space with my brother he is know as the doctor. He...