The 10th Doctor Is that A Wasp?!/ With Donna Noble

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Me, The Doctor, and Donna went to the year 1920. We were at a mansion there was a party and we were invited I always loved parties. The lady that ran the party said we must be carful with the unicorn on the loose I thought well maybe she should stop drinking but then she said that is what the name of a jewel theif that was on the loose. I was were an old fashion dress which did not fit my personality but Donnas dress was beautiful a lady named Agatha Christie came out she was a famous person who wrote novels. The date on a newspaper the doctor found was the date that Agatha Christie disappeared. A woman came out of the house screaming library murder. Murder.. It was Professor Peach he was hit over the head with a lead pipe it was just like the game Clue. The murder is an alien in human form. We all went around looking for clues ahh this really was like the game clue. Donna was investigating a room that had been locked for 40 years and she heard a buzzing noise a bee? It sounded like it was coming from the curtain by the window. She opened up the curtain and outside the window was an enormous wasp!  It broke through the window Donna had a magnifier glass which I used to reflect the sun and burn the wasp with but before that well I was in the room with her the whole time our conversation was...

.. The wasp broke through..

Cara- Holy Shit!!!

Donna- language and use your powers or something 

Cara- this is the time to curse and I can't use my powers they don't always work 

Donna- well isn't that helpful..

Cara- oh hey give me the magnifining glass

... I put it to the window and the sun reflected on it and it burned the wasp..

We screamed to the doctor and he showed up.. The doctor went into the room the wasp had flown away. We heard a scream a big stone had fallen on a lady and she said the poor little child we had no clue what that men't but we looked up and saw the wasp and we chased it. It could turn into a human but we had no clue who. We found stop a theif would use and we thought well its the unicorn yes everything a normal person would say. The doctor was poisoned with cyanide he said he needed ginger beer and a ton of other thing and well he stopped the poison but also he had to be shock to shock him I punched him in the face very hard I kinda felt bad but it was also kinda fun and it did shock him. Ok so now to later we were having dinner the doctor laced the soup with pepper but the active ingredient of pepper is piperine which is traditionally used as an insecticide which would obviously hurt the wasp so who ever the wasp was would get hurt and well everyone new it was not me people I had already eaten alot of the food. The power went out and there was buzzing we all were getting out of the room . And Roger was dead he had been stabbed and jewelry had been stolen. Agatha was helping we started with Miss. Red Mond.. Miss. Red Mond is the Unicorn she was a theif but she was not a killer. Then to Colonel he could walk and was not the murder. To Lady Eddison had brought the necklace that been stolen back from India before she met the Colonel she came home with Malaria and confined herself to the house for 6 months and said that she had fallen pregnant she gave her baby away but it was no ordinary pregnancy. The doctor was talking about how when she heard the bussing sound in the kitchen she had said it can't be Lady Eddison was talking about what happened and found out that the Reverend was actually Lady Eddisons chid and he was the wasp so he killed everyone We ran and the wasp chased Agatha and we followed The neckalce was attached to the wasp it was a link Donna threw the necklace and the wasp went with it and it was dying but so was Agatha because she was linked to it but then it let her go but she got amnesia. We saved the day again. 

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