Chapter 2: change

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It is now Friday afternoon, I just got home from school and I'm already dreading this "party".
Right when I'm thinking of calling Gabbie to tell her I don't feel good, I hear someone knocking and by the sound of anticipation I can already tell it's her.
I open the door and she greets me with excitement. Before I know it she's already rummaging through my closet to find something to wear.

After an hour and a half of trying on, rejecting, and telling ourselves to stay focused...we finally found something, ripped blue jeans, a black crop top, a jean and black choker and black stilettos. This look is not "me" but I like it.
I throw on some foundation, eyeliner and red lipstick and I'm ready to go.
"Are you ready?" Gabbie asks.
"Yeah I guess" I respond.
"Listen I know this isn't your thing, but at least try to have fun! Please make an effort! For me!" Gabbie yells as we're walking to her car.
"Yes I will, I promise! Who says I can't have fun?" I say back to her.
"That's my girl!" She says.

After 10 mins of singing and dancing to our favourite songs we make it to the house where the party is.
"This is heaths house by the way, he will introduce you to everyone." Gabbie says, I nod and smile.

When we get in, I notice that it's not that big of a party but Gabbie is already waving a saying hi to tons of people I don't know. We keep walking to the host of this party I assume.

"Hi Heath!" Gabbie yells across the yard.
"Hi baby, what's up!" A very tipsy Health says back.
"Don't worry he calls everyone baby haha." Gabbie says to me quickly.
" Who is this cutie!?" Heath exclaims talking about about me. I smile and blush then Gabbie introducing me.
"This is Liza!" Gabbie gestures me to say hi.
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you!" I gesture back to Heath.
"Girl, the pleasure is mine!, let me go introduce you to some other people!" "I like her, bring her around more often!" Heath whispers to Gabbie but I can very obviously hear, I smile.

We get to a group and I notice that they are all very popular, my hands start to shake but I stop myself and carry on. I want to make a good impression. First Heath introduces me to Toddy ; a fit, dark haired, big smiled person. He says hi to me.
"Then we have the couple goals.. Scotty and Kristen." Heath says as he takes a sip of his drink. "This is Liza!"
"Hey it's nice to me you!" Kristen says back to me smiling. I shake both of their  hands. They seem so happy together. We move over to another small group right be side them.
"Alex!" Heath exclaims.
"Yeah?" I assume Alex replies.
"This is Liza!" Heath explains. "She's gonna hang out more often just to let everyone know!"
I smile and say
"It's nice to meet you Alex."
"Nice to meet you too." He says back. Huh, he seems emotionless.. was that rude?
"So I assume you're Liza? "I'm Zane, cool to meet you!" When Zane says this I see Gabbie and him eyeing each other, um something to talk about with Gabbie? I chuckle. And Heath says,

"David, this is Liza. Liza, this is David."David turns around I like any normal person I look into his eyes, his deep, dark brown eyes. Which was a mistake of course because they were like a chestnut sea that I could dive into and never wanted to leave his eyes, stay in the warmth of the water. He reaches down to shake my hand and from one touch of a finger I feel electric waves all through out my body, like a radiational weight has been lifted of my chest. He starts to talk and says,
"It's nice to meet you!" His voice sounds like something I want to hear everyday and I'm immediately attracted to it, wanting to take every piece of it and keep it safe, never to be destroyed. When he's finished talking he smiled, I swear to you his smile could light up this whole room, more than that, this whole world. His beaming smile makes he smile too and I stutter to say,

"N..Nice to meet you too!" I feel like my whole worlds been stopped and seconds feels like hours, days. But I'm interrupted from my non realistic fantasy by someone talking its Zane.

"Yeah I've seen you around the halls and stuff, you are really cool, you should hang out with us more!" Other people agree too. I smile and blush.
"Thanks so much guys!" I exclaim. Then Heath offers me something to drink, and he says it's all in the kitchen. So I give Gabbie the "come with me" look and she follows. As we're walking towards the kitchen I realize I just talked to the most popular seniors in high school. Scotty and Kristen ( although Kristen isn't a preppy popular girl as I thought), Toddy, Alex, Zane, Heath and David. Stop saying his name like that! You don't like him! He's known, you're not! Whatever.

" You handled that really well, A+!" Gabbie snaps me out my my daydreams.
"Aw thanks, I've been practicing." I say and give her a sarcastic look. We both start laughing. When we get to the kitchen I grab a bottle of water and we head back out. After a couple hours we head back home and im exhausted.

Thanks so much ! Enjoy! Comment and vote lovez 🤙🏼💛

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