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A man walking in train compartment, he was heading to wash basin he looked his face in mirror in his front, he had a slight beard on his face with a vanished smile again appearing on his face looking at him. He brushed his hand on his beard

From here it's his narration

"I am totally changed; see me in beard looks so weird. I am not that guy now who is always funny, cheerful; I think I am serious now"

He walked back to his seat and sat there

"All my companions are happy, but I am excited and even tensed to see my jaanu, yes jaanu my love ... first love"

Yes hi forgot to introduce myself, hi I am laksh maheshwari the hero of the story

"Jaanu ka Lucky"

Where to start, my day starts with her wakeup call and ends with her thoughts, she was and is my life

Guys you know I can't pass a day without her smile, her complaints, her naughty talks, her pranks and her so many things like this

Now I have lived 10 months away from her, it seems a miracle in my life and after these 10 months I am going to see her

I think she would slap me or she would not talk to me or she will hug me or a kiss OMG I am just confused what will be her reaction

Sorry I know you all are confused by my thoughts

Let me start it from the day we...


I am going to enter into engineering college

Hi guys I am in Bangalore came to study my engineering

All people enter with lot of expectations, some hoping good job, some enjoyment, some success and some for parents

So I am here to get enjoyment and friends


I read it loud which is written in big letters; yes I have come to see my college which is going to start from exactly 3 days after now


Room 202- laksh maheshwari, rayan bhardwaj, Kunal arora and parth khanna

"We are four for room, would they adjust with me?

I don't know the way, whom should I ask?"

Then I heard voice from back

Voice: bhai need help

I saw a tall boy almost my height, thin and seem to be too active

Laksh: haa, you...

Boy: me work here, I show rooms and iron clothes and all thing can be done but on payment

"He seemed to be too jovial"

Laksh: chalo take me to room 202

He walked front of me and I followed him

Boy: which branch?

Laksh: mechanical

Boy: here is your room

Laksh: thanks

Boy: 20 rupees for each bag and I bought 3

I gave him 100

Boy: no change

Laksh: take it

Boy: no give me 60 only I don't take tips

Laksh: ok then I will give some clothes for irons come afterwards

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