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@ Restaurant

Ragini: parth bhai had a lot of fun

We were in a restaurant and we all were tired after a long trip looking the city me and ladoo took so many snaps of photos along with these duffer's and I think if they are duffer's then we too are the same

Ragini was exhausted and she sat beside me placing her head on my shoulders

Parth and kunal were sitting opposite to us and rayan on other side of me

Rayan: ladoo you order first

Ragini: jaanu will tell my order rayan

"I actually know all her favorites and at which mood what she likes to prefer because I understood her more than me till date"

Laksh: we need fried rice that's all

Parth: ok then I will have roti with some curry

Rayan: I want a biryani

Kunal: I prefer fried rice

Rayan: ok then waiter...

@ 8 pm

Ragini: please lucky

I was forcing ragini to go to hostel we were in front on hostel gate and if she is late for sure warden will scold my innocent soul ragini and I don't want it to happen

Laksh: baby go if you're not going I will not talk to you

Ragini pouted

Ragini: jaanu please I will go after half an hour

I nodded my head as no

Ragini: hate you baby

I gave her an angry look, she slowly came to me hug me

Ragini: sorry, I will go

Laksh: it's ok then, now go

She was walking towards hostel and I was still standing there looking at her and she was about to go away from my site she turned back and waved bye

"Ladoo you make me really mad by your everything and I know you're only my ladoo"

@ Next day


We were in college and I was standing in entrance waiting for jaanu but she was too late by now and parth who was sitting in class asked me to come and sit in class but I was waiting for ladoo

I saw professor coming to class I decided to get inside class, I did so

But by then a girl came and sat beside me

I didn't dare to ask get up from there because I was bit afraid to talk rude to girls so I sat without saying anything

The girl turned up to me and smiled seeing me I was really feeling too shy

Girl: I am surbhi, you?

Laksh: me laksh

Surbhi: nice to meet you

She turned back and went back into her books and the professor started class too

I was just waiting for ladoo

Then she came with a wet hair which is half dried and half wet she kept it open and she had light red color lipstick on her lips and she wore peacock blue anarkali with a silky chuni and her big beautiful eyes had a dark kajal and she wore the blue jhumki gifted by me on her 13th birthday and bangles whose sound the whole class can listen and at this moment she seemed to be angel from heaven

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