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Laksh was carrying ragini on his back and going forward looking the direction which he was looking in Google maps which opened once when there was network but there is no network now so he was not able to call anyone
Ragini was enjoying to be that close to him and then they reached a small village after a long walk
Laksh placed ragini down slowly and looked her
Laksh: are you okay???
Ragini nodded yes simply and Laksh smiled
He looked his phone which got network so he immediately called rayan and informed him that he and ragini are lost and reached a village
Then rayan said they would stay in near by town and asked them to reach there by tomorrow, Laksh agreed and ended the call
Laksh turned to ragini and saw her starring him both were lost in each other's eyes and then they realized it had started raining and immediately Laksh took her in his arms and rushed to near by hut and placed her down slowly
The old woman who is there saw them and smiled
Ow: you both are looking great beside each other no evil should reach you both
Ragini and Laksh looked each other and after the eyelock they turned feeling embarrassed
Laksh and ragini sat at a distance and looking out at rain and Laksh slowly turned and found ragini enjoying the environment and as the rain drops touched her she smiled Everytime
Seeing her smiling like angel even he too smiled
And finally rain stopped and raglak again started to the near by town
This time they sat in lorry at back with so many people
Ragini was sitting in front of Laksh leaning her back on him as there is no space and they are so many men there around them so Laksh made her sit like that
Ragini: Laksh...
Laksh: hmm...
Ragini: I want to say something to you.....see Laksh I don't know why but now I'm not feeling good with sanskar at all I don't know what is happening to me but when I saw you with Nisha I am not able to tolerate at all I am getting angry the angry is changed to sadness and the then sadness to a terrible pain inside heart when you were not talking to me properly then I understood that how much I am addicted to you... I know it's not correct Time but if I didn't said it now it would be a very bad decision of my life so listen... I Love much means so much Laksh please don't leave me...
Saying she turned back to meet his eyes which will have numerous of feelings currently but she was shocked to find Laksh sleeping peacefully with opening his mouth
Ragini smiled in between her tears
She caressed his jaw line and kissed his forehead and rested her head on his chest he unknowningly wrapped his hands around her in sleep
She looked up at him and smiled and hugged him even more tight
"I love you Laksh...."
They reached the hotel and ragini was being carried by Laksh to her room
Nisha who came out saw them and tears formed in her eyes she wiped them and went inside
Laksh dropped ragini on bed and felt from there
Ragini (mind voice): arrey ragini what if he is slept then go now and say him right before it becomes too late
She tried to get up but failed
@ Out side
Laksh was walking to his room
He entered in and found radhika sitting there
Laksh: di...
Radhika: chotu!! How are you???
Laksh: fine di..any matter???
Radhika: come here sit beside me
Laksh went and sat beside her and smiled and even radhika smiled
Radhika: Laksh..wo...
Laksh caught her hand and made her look at him
Laksh: what's matter di?? Why are you hesitating near me
Radhika: Laksh wo see I know saying this is not good but I have to say it ....hmm Laksh see now you are some one's fiance and I know that ragini is your best friend and your life your love but Laksh she is moved on with someone leaving you and never thought of you but still I know you love her and you will also but see Laksh.. Nisha can't handle this your care towards ragini because every girl thinks his man should give importance to her and even Nisha will feel same maybe she won't put it in front of you but she do feel it lucky.. I saw her crying seeing you and ragini too close...see Laksh now you can't get ragini and you can ever be happy so please at least keep Nisha happy I think you will understand it
Laksh remaind silent
Laksh: okay di I will try to forget ragini as my best friend..
A pair of eyes were shedding tears listening it , it's our ragini who was at entrance
She just entered to say her feelings to Laksh but is devastated listening his words she has no courage to listen further so she ragini from there
Laksh: but di...if I forget ragini I should leave myself... because I always love her and she is my love my life and my heart my soul di she is my soul maybe she not love me but I will love her forever and about Nisha .... I will try my best to act in front her because I can't give her my heart ever
Saying he cried and radhika consoled him
Precap: Marriage??

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