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I remained silent

She hold my collar

Ragini: from when you started drinking lucky? And your lying to me?

I was looking into her eyes feeling guilty

Ragini: never expected this from you four

She felt my collar and started tearing and started shouting loud

Ragini: you are lying lucky to me

Sanskar came from back and catched ragini she immediately hugged him

Ragini: he broke my trust sanskar , now what should I tell to durga papa? That his son is spoiled and I was unable to stop him

Sanskar: stop crying ragini

"I want to console ragini but I was in guilt position"

She broke her hug

Ragini: you three also broke me , bhai you also

Parth downed his face in guilt

Ragini: don't talk to me any of you , I am going

She started walking I hold her wrist , she turned back in anger and looked at me with her killing eyes

I collected all my strength and dared to talk to her

Laksh: don't go alone I will drop you

Ragini: what you will drop me? In this condition you can't drop yourself but your trying to drop me

She took her hand from my hold

She started walking again and sanskar runned to her

Sanskar: I will drop you

She nodded her head and they both started walking

I was just standing there looking them until they are out of site

Kunal came to me

Kunal: shall we go?

I looked at him and walked inside

@ Hostel

We all are silent sitting on our respective beds and I have full tears in my eyes its for first time happened something like this between us both

"sorry ladoo, I broke your trust by lying to you"

Kunal slowly walked towards me and sat beside me

Kunal: we will convince ragini don't worry

I nodded my head

All slept but I was unable to but the drink forced me to have a sleep

@ College

Parth: ragini please

Yes as expected we were all begging ragini for forgiveness but my turn was last , first parth started it and was coming to final

Parth: ladoo excuse your bhai

At last ragini speaked out

Ragini: don't do it again bhai

She smiled

Rayan: me too ragini please

Kunal: yes ragini please

Ragini: ok you two also

Ragini smiled looking at them

And it's finally my time for make an apology

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