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Finally exams are over and we are ready to fly to our own worlds


i was packing my bag with heavy heart as i don't want to leave all my friends and its not easy too because it is 4 years relationship

rayan came to me and put his hands on my shoulders i turned back and saw him he gave me a painful smile and sat next to me

rayan: lucky four years we are together every where we go and share every feeling will you forget me after going from here

i slapped him on his cheek

laksh: don't speak non sense rayan how can i forget you

he hugged me and me too felt too sentimental and then felt still another pair hands hugging us we saw it and found kunal

kunal: me too miss you all

@ Bus stop

i was in bus stop with my luggage and waiting for ragini , kunal was also there waiting for his bus

then ragini came in a white mercedes benz along with sanskar , i found sanskar very sad but not ragini she had a glow in her face

" may be i am in too love with her that's why"

ragini and sanskar walked to us and ragini gave a hug to rayan

ragini:bye rayan take care

rayan: take care ladoo

ragini broke the hug and stood beside me and smiled looking at rayan , soon rayan bus came and he went giving me a final hug

rayan: bye take care love you

"you guys may imagine that we are that type but we are not"

laksh: bye rayu miss you and love you too

rayan got into bus and waved his hand and we too waved our hand

now sanskar came and hugged me

sanskar: take care of you and also her

laksh: sure

then he went to ragini and gave tight hug and kisses her forehead

" i am hurt ....but i was late that day"

sanskar got a call and he went away in this car and now we both were there ragini saw me smiled and even i too smiled back silence prevailed for 2 minutes and 30 second it was just awkward moment for both of us for first time

ragini: after a long time

i turned to her

ragini: after a long time we are together alone

laksh: yeah

ragini: i missed you , i missed my best friend very much

laksh: but you got your love which can

but she interrupted

ragini: it can't replace you , it can't replace you jaanu

i can see tears coming from her eyes and even my heart was crying out loud

i turned my face to other direction

ragini: i want my lucky back hope you understand and give him back to me

she got up as bus came and even i got up

laksh: yeah jaanu come on its our bus only

"i don't want to break our friendship because of my love"

she saw at me i smiled and winked at her she too smiled heartfully and hugged me tightly

ragini: love you jaanu.....(she shouted so loud)

" me too ....i want to say but..."

ragini kissed my cheeks

ragini: your my best friend love you so much

laksh: shall we move or else bus will go

she broke hug and nodded her head as small kid and hold my shoulder so tight and we walked towards the bus


ragini and me are sharing all words which were incomplete all these days

ragini phone beeped and i saw it was sanskar , her face turned little irritated and she switched it off

laksh: what happened?

ragini: nothing he always irritates a bit but also ok love naa we can't do anything , leave all those now just about you and me came say

"why she is sayng like this? may be they fought and this is common in love they will only realise it let it be"

she yawned and looked at me in sleepy way

laksh: good night

ragini: good night jaanu

she held my shoulders and kept her head on my shoulders and closed her eyes

" i want the time to stop...please god stop it"  

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