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@ Exam Hall

We were given our question papers and I looked at it and was surprised I know every answer

"God you are there , love you"

Rayan was on adjcent bench to me and kunal in last where as we were in front , ragini back of me and sanskar was beside me ,parth was not our room

I started to writing mine and was about to complete , I turned to look at my friends and found rayan dreaming in his whole world and sanskar writing sincerely and ragini sobbing

Laksh: ragini

She looked up to me

Laksh: what?

Ragini: I didn't get any of them

Laksh: I will show wait

Ragini: no lucky I will ask sanskar I think he knows more than you

Ragini: sanskar please help me

He took his paper and threw it back and ragini caught it

sanskar: write fast and give

I was tensed that they shouldn't caught

But bad luck the squad was coming towards us and ragini in fear threw his paper down

Squad: whoes paper is this?

I looked it found it to be sanskar's

Sanskar: it's mine

Squad: whom did you gave it?

Sanskar (tensed):I didn't gave it to anyone ,it fell down unexpected

Squad: tell his/her name otherwise I will cancel your exam

Sanskar: I am saying truth

I looked back ragini was shivering very badly and I can feel it

Squad: you come out and your front and back person

Ragini was look with fear

Sanskar: sir please

Squad: come out

Sanskar: I will say , it is ...

"OMG he is saying , I should stop it"

I interrupted

Laksh: it's me

All shifted their gaze to me

Squad: was it you

I looked at ragini , she was looking tensed to me

Laksh: yes I have copied it from sanskar

Squad: come out

Ragini was about to interrupted

Laksh: let's go sir

I was going out and suddenly ragini caught my hand and nodded her head as no

I free my hand from her grip

I went out along with the squad

@ Canteen

Laksh: I am fine and I wrote my exam near principal

I was saying this line from past half-an-hour even ragini didn't stop crying

Rayan: arrey what is problem ladoo

Ragini is weeping

Laksh: jaanu know its enough , if your not gonna smile I will leave

Ragini looked at me

Ragini: why you took it on you?

I cupped her face and looked into her eyes which has tears

Laksh: because...

Ragini: because...

Laksh: if your caught then I would have more pain than when I was caught

She was just looking innocently at me and hit on my head

Ragini: you didn't imagined my pain when you were blamed

I nodded my head as no

Laksh: I am selfish jaanu

She laughed and hugged me and my clapped hands that we are reunited again

Ragini: by the way how you wrote

Laksh:choo good baby    

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