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@ Next Morning

@ College

We all were in college and I asked rayan to sit between me ragini and he did so but ragini was trying to talk to me but I acted I was studying

I was just looking book my thoughts were in her world thinking about her

In between classes ragini disturbed me with paper and I opened the paper

"Jaanu sit beside me naa I want to talk to you"

I looked at her she winked at me

"Ragini if I sit I may forget the fact that you are sanskar's so I can't"

I nodded my head as no and looked into my book again

After 2 minutes I saw her she pouted seeing me

"Jaanu you are distracting me yaar, but I should control, control lucky"

@ After Classes

We were in canteen and ragini came and sat beside me

Ragini: lucky baby I was calling you and you were ignoring me I am observing from two days what happened even yesterday was my B'day and you didn't came

Laksh: sorry ladoo I just concentrated on studies

Ragini: studies? Ok let it be today we will go to movie you and me ok

Sanskar came there

Sanskar: baby what's up?

Ragini: nothing I and my laku are going to movie

Sanskar: then me baby

Ragini: sanskar don't call me baby only if lucky calls I feel comfortable

Sanskar: but I am your boy friend naa I am more than lucky to you naa

Ragini looked at me with confused face and again sanskar

Ragini: sanskar why are you talking like this comparing your place and his place in my heart

Laksh: ladoo I will not come I am going to gym from today with kunal so bye

I stood up and asked kunal and rayan to join me

Ragini: but lucky

Laksh: by jaanu

We three walked to gym

@ After 6 months

It has been 6 months avoiding jaanu sorry she is no more my jaanu but sanskar's I stopped calling her jaanu and just I call her ladoo and we hardly talked to each other because sanskar is with her every minute and in 6 months I worked hard in gym and concentrated on my studies . I tried my best to forget her as my love but it increased day by day but didn't decrease, we are only left with two weeks' time and after we all will be separated and in one week we will complete our exams and next one week we have preparations of leaving the college

Today is our exam and I was sitting in bed and thinking of ladoo yes every day I think of her I miss her naughty talks and her acts

Rayan came and sat beside me

Rayan: lucky today is first exam and you know naa about my starting problem in exam so you should help me

I smiled at him and again back to thoughts

Rayan: lucky what yaar every time you talk and go into some trance at once

Laksh: today exams are starting naa every time ladoo used to go to exam for praying me you remembered last time

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