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@ city park

Laksh: rayan you remember everything I said

Rayan nodded his head

Ragini: rayan just be cool

Rayan: I am getting bit nervous ladoo

Ragini hit her head with her palm

Parth: we will go and hide behind the tree you be here only

Rayan didn't reply anything

Laksh: come let's go

We all were leaving and rayan caught my hand

Rayan: lucky you be here only yaar

Laksh: me with you

We came to city park to meet rachitha and she will be in 10 minutes and we were having plan to see them from beside tree

Kunal came there with two ice creams

Kunal: it's very tasty

I gave a stern look to him

Laksh: kunal he is feeling nervous and your talking about ice cream

And ragini interrupted us

Ragini: kunal ice cream give me

She took ice cream and licked it

Ragini: super kunal

Laksh: ladoo

She saw me with a innocent face

Ragini:what lucky?

She again tasted it

Laksh: meri maa here rayan is feeling nervous and we should help him to be normal

Ragini nodded and again tasted her ice cream

"these people don't understant what I say also"

Laksh:rayan feel relaxed everything will be good

Ragini: kunal I want another also and I will next taste another flavor

Kunal: even I am thinking the same ladoo

" lucky control yourself they will make you mad"

Rayan gets call and its rachitha

Rayan: lucky rachi

Laksh: pick the call

Rayan picked it and kept in loud speaker

Rachi: hello

Rayan: h..hi

Rachi: I have come and I wore a yellow chudidar and you


" he forgot even what he wore"

Laksh: white shirt

Rayan: haa white shirt I wore

Rachi: ok I will come

He ended call and I sighed

Laksh: all the best rayan

We all went from there and rayan was sitting on bench with a smile on face and we were behind tree

Ragini: kunal ice cream...

I closed ragini's mouth

Laksh: ragu maa please for 10 minutes shut your mouth for my sake

I removed my hand and she pouted and started eating it again

Rachitha came there and rayan immediately stood looking here, she pointed rayan

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