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Laksh: that I... I am going to join India army
Ragini starred him and slowly her eyes teared up
Ragini: what are you saying lucky???
Laksh: yes ragini I have selected in every test and interview also and these 10 days I didn't met you so that to see you can be with out me like this for 10 months
Ragini was silently listening with tears skipping her eyes
Laksh: and don't worry everything would be fine I have talked to shekhar uncle about you and sanskar, he is okay with your relationship and would perform your marriage as Soon as possible
I was also controlling my emotions
Ragini: lucky before deciding you didn't thought how can I be with out you?
I closed my eyes stopping tear to come out
Laksh: you have sanskar know ragini what's need of me now
Ragini shocked for a minute and later wiped her face harshly
Ragini: okay thank you Mr Laksh maheshwari for your help till date and thank you for reminding that I have sanskar and hope I don't see your face ever please get out of my room
She walked to door and stood there Waiting for me to leave and I went out of room and see closed the door on my face
I walked back to MM and informed my decision to every one and all refused and said they would say it to ragini and she will handle me but I informed them even she knows, listening it my mom rushed to ragini and brought her all family members were present there and I was standing facing all
Ap: ragini won't you stop him
Ragini was silent
Janaki: and Laksh we are not at all okay with it and ragini you say him he will stop
Ragini looked up at me and looked into my eyes and lowered them unable to match with her eyes
Ragini: let him do what ever he wants, who I am to him to stop him?? I can stop sanskar as he is my LOVE but how can I stop he is none to me
Saying this ragini got up from sofa and rushed to her room and closed the door
After lot of discussion and family drama I was finally allowed to go for training to join army and in these days ragini was rarely seen and even then she didn't utter a single word
It was finally tomorrow I am going to leave all and work for my mother land
I was all set for tomorrow emotionally I am preparing myself to not break and then I heard a door knock
I looked that way to find rayan
I asked him to come in
Rayan: all ready
I nodded yes
Rayan: will you able to manage ragini tomorrow???
Laksh: I think so and even sanskar is there naa he will handle
Silence prevailed for few minutes
I slowly caught rayan's hand
Laksh: take care of ragini and please visit mom and dad once for two weeks it would be nice for them and please help ragini in handling both the companies now and promise me that you would always be with ragini to take care as I may return or n..
Before I complete it rayan hugged me
Rayan: shut up!!! Don't speak non sense idiot you will be okay and I am there for ragini as her friend and about Uncle and aunty I am like your brother so they are my parents too so now don't speak as you wish
I broke hug and nodded yes
Next morning
I was in railway station along with my family and friends
Radhika di came and hugged me and cried I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead and kept her hand in my mom's hand
Laksh: maa she is like my sister please take care of her
Ap nodded crying and next he touched janaki and shekhar feet and janaki hugged him and cried in his embrace
Laksh: arrey darling if you cry I will become weak and like this I will fight definitely I will fail as a solider so please smile
Janaki forced a smile and Laksh too smiled seeing her
Next he hugged rayan , Kunal and parth
Then come to sanskar
Laksh: please take care of my ragini
Sanskar nodded
Sanskar: don't worry from now on she is my ragini
Laksh simple smiled hiding his pain
But only rayan and radhika know his pain and what he is under going
Next he hugged dp and Ap
Laksh: I will miss you maa
Ap hugged him tight and cried
Ap: Laksh please
Laksh with little tears forming
Laksh: maa please if you cry even I will break
He cupped her face and kissed her and even she kissed his whole face
Ap: promise me you will be back safe
Laksh nodded and promised her
Laksh looked at janaki
Laksh: maa ragini
Janaki nodded no, a tear escaped from his eyes
Laksh: it's okay , but everyone take care of ragini and never leave her alone by I will call you after I reach bye
And got into train and waved bye and the train moved on and all ever out of sight and Laksh broke down now and weeped
Precap: marriage rituals shuru!!!!

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