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Ragini was sleeping peacefully hugging the pillow but sun rays were disturbing her , she slowly opened her eyes and found herself on bed . She got up at once and looked around it was new place to her,he folded her legs and thinking how she came here and last remembered sleeping in car
She got up and opened the door to find Nisha and Laksh talking they were far from her, ragini immediately got inside the room in angry , she was burning in anger
Ragini: hehe ... how they are laughing huh...see what I will do
She got the near by jar and sprinkled some water on her face and gave a mischievously smile and counted 1. 2.  3.....
Ragini: aaaaaa!!!!!!!!
She ran out of the room
And listening her shout he too rushed towards ragini and ragini immediately jumped on him and hugged him tight by wrapping her hands around Laksh neck
Laksh also carried her by waist
Laksh: what happened ragu????
Ragini just made the hug more tight and even Laksh sensing her fear hugged her tightly. By listening the shout all came out
Janaki: what happened??
Nisha: don't know aunty ragini came running from room
Rayan: I will check
Here ragini was hiding her face in his neck and smiling and feeling him and whereas he was rubbing her back assuring he was there for her
Rayan went in and found nothing Inside
Rayan: there is nothing Inside
Janaki: ragini what you saw in ?
Ragini lifted her head and turned to janaki without breaking hug
Ragini: wo.. I saw a lizard
All palmed their faces and one among them felt relief and that was of course Laksh that nothing happened to HIS ragini
Janaki: now get down, you got on him like a monkey
Ragini pouted and got down unwillingly and she saw Laksh who was looking her like asking to say something but ragini twisted her lips and left from there , Laksh smiled seeing her
@ car
All got down by taking there belongs and went to respect cars and even ragini smiled thinking she is gonna sit with Laksh but when she opened the door she found Laksh and nisha already sitting and nisha was saying something and Laksh was just sitting with no expression
Only place beside Nisha was remaining, ragini was just looking them with out getting in , Nisha saw her and smiled
Nisha: ragini come naa sit
But ragini was just looking Laksh as ordering him to ask nisha to get up from her place and here Laksh understood ragini's expression meaning and here he was stuck between two women
Ragini on getting no response from Laksh
Ragini: that's my place get up from there
Nisha: please ragini only once
Ragini nodded her head as no and janaki who was passing by saw them
Janaki: go get in fast ragini or else we will get late
Ragini: my place
Janaki saw it and understood
Janaki: ragini don't behave childish go get in and they are getting married so they like to sit beside each other if you like sit at end of else come to my car
But tears brimmed in ragini's eyes
Ragini: it's my place.....(catch the inner meaning guys) it's my place give it back to me
Laksh was not able to see her like that
Laksh: Nisha please let her sit here
Janaki: no Laksh you wait she is becoming very stubborn see ragini you want to come in this car sit in corner or else come with me now
Ragini saw Nisha and Laksh she didn't felt it's safe to keep them together with out her presence so she sat and janaki closed door and went and even rayan started the car
The journey was going silently and ragini was looking out of Window and here Laksh is also doing same but thinking of his jaanu and the silence was broke by Nisha
She started conversation with Laksh and even Laksh answered her questions and here ragini was hell irritated
Ragini (mind voice): let the journey end here itself
And immediately the car shaked and stopped at once
Laksh: what happened??
Rayan: don't know
All got down of car and found tire puncture
Laksh: I think we should change it
Rayan: but there is no extra one as I used it to kunals car
Laksh: now how?
Rayan was thinking along with Laksh
Laksh: I will go and search any mechanic shop near by
Rayan: wait I will also come
Laksh: no you stay with them, I will go alone
Ragini got an idea
Ragini: rayan
All turned to her
Rayan: what???
Ragini: water
Rayan: in car
Ragini: no all are finished and I am very thirsty
She made a innocent cute face
Laksh: then I will bring while coming
Ragini: rayan I will die by then by thirst
Laksh thought  for sometime
Laksh: you also come with me
Ragini started walking ahead of him ignoring him and Laksh shook his head in disbelief and walked behind her and suddenly ragini decreased speed and reached his level both are Walking beside each other and they are some many things to share but just one thing is stopping them and the place was full of trees on either side
Both are silent and then heard sounds from near by trees she  widened her eyes and caught Laksh's shoulder I fear
Laksh stopped and looked her and she pointed in the direction the sound was coming from and for her to check he went near it and even ragini was holding his arm and walking behind him and looking there
He slowly went in and stepped a slippery surface he skied and even ragini too and there was a slope too so both rolled on above the other but Laksh protect her from getting hurt and finally they stood
Precap : open up!!!!!

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