Mr.Kuch Kuch Hota Hai!

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@ Class

Ragini: please surbhi please

We were back in class and ragini is busy requesting surbhi to look for other seat so that ragini can sit beside me and at last she succeed

Surbhi: ok

Ragini: thanks

She came and sat beside me and looked at me and smiled

Ragini: smile naa lucky

Actually I didn't smile when she smiled and she is asking me to smile

Ragini: you look good when you smile

I was still not smiling

Ragini: lucky for me once

I nodded my head as no

She tried a lot but she was not successful and she finally started tickling me and this made me laugh loud

@ Hostel

I was talking to maa in phone

AP: how are you? Ate food?

Laksh: yes mama, missing you a lot

AP: I too missing you, guess where I am now

Laksh: of course in my room mama

AP: your right I am in your room and missing you very badly

Laksh: how is papa?

AP: he is fine he is also missing you more than me

Laksh: really

AP: yes beta how is ragini?

Laksh: she is fine mama

AP: take care of her and you

Laksh: yes mom bye

"My mom is most attached to me and even papa scolds me but loves me more I can understand in his voice when he called yesterday. Getting Maa, papa, ragini, shekhar papa, janaki maa is great, I should always pray for god"

@ Class

I and ragini were talking some stuff and she was laughing too cute

Suddenly we were disturbed by a voice and it is none other than sanskar

Sanskar: hello ragini

Ragini looked at me

Ragini: hi sanskar

Sanskar: how are you?

Ragini: I am fine sanskar

Sanskar: I asked you to call me sanky

"Sanky... this guy is really making me irritate"

Ragini: ok sanky

Sanskar sat beside ragini

Sanskar: from today I am sitting here only

Ragini: wow

"Why this ragini finds something wow in him"

Ragini pointed at me

Ragini: he is laksh my best friend forever

She smiled at me and I too smiled at her back

Sanskar: nice to meet you bro

He forwarded hand for a shake hand

"Come on lucky see him as your friend for ladoo"

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