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Okay, I'm just going to post the prologue to get it started but it will be awhile until the first chapter is posted.



Skyler's P.O.V


War has taken a toll on all of us.




A small disagreement can change the Galaxy any day. An argument can last a lifetime. A war, is a forever lasting nightmare. A scar on memory that never heals.

Though I never left my small home and seen anything out in the Galaxy. Lothal always seemed like a peaceful place with occasional beatings and shootings but that's normal. It's my home. Everyone has a little bit of craziness in them. If not then, well I couldn't imagine it.

A galaxy with peace. I don't know what it's like because of the Empire. I've seen them do a lot of bad things like taking people's homes, arresting for no good reason, and many more.

It is a horrible thing but that's just life.

That's what a normal person would say. Me... I would get involved and help the best I could.

Everyone has a right and the Empire takes it away through fear. I want to help by getting our freedom back.

"Skyler, it's time for school!"

"Coming, Mrs. Sumar!" I shouted back, and grabbed my school bag.

Mrs. Sumar is my guardian or caretaker. I couldn't really say she is my mother or adoptive parent because she is an old lady. She was like a grandma.

I never knew my real parents, nor has Mrs. Sumar ever talked about them but today, that's going to change.

"Skyler, you're going to be late!" She called again. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a yogan.

"Bye!" I said and ran out the door to school.

Today is my sixteenth birthday and after school, shes going to tell me everything.

I struggled to grab my googles out of my bag then fidgeted them around my head. Mrs. Sumar never lets me take the googles to school so I sneak them out.

   It's my dream to one day fly among the stars like a pilot and travel to different places. That's why I where the googles. I might miss Lothal but could always visit.

After a few minutes, I made it to school and threw the core part of the yogan in a trash can.

   "If it isn't Sky loser."

   Great. That was my very thought as I turned around to see Paden and her posse. Paden is very popular and like the Empire, she controls the school through fear. Her father is a well respected man in the Empire which gives the school a high 'honor' of having her here.

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