The Goggles

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Long time no see everyone! Hope y'all are staying safe! It's been a while! So, this book is still discontinued (SORRY!) but someone asked if I could do one-shot of Skyler and Rouge. I thought it was a good idea since I was mean and discontinued this book XD.



   Zeb was nursing a cup of coffee, taking small sips and enjoying the quiet, peaceful morning.
He didn't get them very often anymore since joining Skyler, Rouge and Chopper. Each morning had something eventful whether it was Chopper zapping him awake or Rouge attempting to prank him.

The old rebel sighed, relaxing into the seat and took another sip of the bitter coffee. His ears perked up at the sound of the automatic door opening and saw Skyler enter the room. She seemed to be a little frantic as she looked around the kitchen.

"Looking for something, kid?" Zeb asked, watching the teen. Skyler paused in her search and trained her green eyes on Zeb.

"Uh, yeah. Have you seen my goggles by any chance?" She asked, feeling embarrassed for losing them in the first place.

Skyler felt like a decently organized person, especially when it came to her special goggles. The only time she ever took them off was when she went to bed. So, it was strange when waking up and finding them gone from their usual spot on her nightstand.

"The last time I saw them was on your head before we all went to sleep," Zeb explained. Skyler pursed her lips in thought, remembering having them last night before falling asleep.

She hummed, "That's strange. They can't just have grown legs and walked off. Then, where would they..."

The pilot paused, her brain connecting the dots on a certain culprit. Her blood began to boil and, if it were possible, steam would've left her ears.

She knew exactly what happened to them.


"I am the almighty and fearsome pilot in the whole galaxy, Skyler!" Rogue impersonated his fellow crew member and readjusted the brown goggles over his eyes. Chopper whirled, trying to convince the pirate that it was a bad idea to be wearing the goggles. Yet, Rogue didn't listen.

"Chop, you gotta learn how to lighten up a little," Rogue said, taking the goggles off and spinning it on his finger, "Besides, I bet the princess hasn't even noticed yet-"

   "ROGUE! YOU ARE A DEAD MAN ONCE I FIND YOU!" Skyler's voice screeched throughout the ship. Jumping in fright by the sudden yelling, the goggles slipped off his finger and clattered onto the floor.

   Just as Skyler entered the cargo bay, she watched as Chopper accidentally rolled over the goggles. A cracking sound came, making the droid roll back in surprise. The lens part of the goggles were both entirely broken.

   Rogue's eyes widened in complete shock at the sight of the broken goggles before slowly turning to see a just as frozen Skyler staring in horror. The blue Twi'lek couldn't seem to look away, feeling her heart being torn in two. Her hands trembled and breathing became unsteady.

   Shock and confusion turned into sadness for only a moment before melting into boiling rage. She saw red, teeth grinding together and hands clenched into fists. Skyler's cold, harsh glare turned away from the goggles to the pirate, who is the cause of her precious goggles getting destroyed in the first place.

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