Chapter 3

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It took awhile for this new information to settle into my head. I wasn't expecting Specter 3 to be a droid, let alone an old astromech. But, he was my only chance to find my family.

"How much for the droid?" I asked Hondo, crossing my arms.

"Hold it there, princess. He's my droid and he's not for sale," Rouge said.

I scrunched my nose in irritation as my lukke twitched in frustration. Did he just call me princess? I huffed.

"Well..." Hondo began, "How about you both go with her?" Rouge didn't seem to like the idea and I wasn't a big fan either but I'll take what I can get.

I'm starting to like this pirate more. He doesn't think for himself but for others needs. Maybe I need to stop judging every scoundrel.

Of course, my mind was changed when he added, "We will make a deal."

I sighed. Pirates. Why would I think anymore of them?

"Fine, what's the deal?" I asked. I was annoyed but tried to push it down for now. What's up with scoundrels and pirates always making deals? The real question though was, why do I even want to accept them?

"In exchange for the temporary partnership of my dear partner and his droid, I want to know your real name," he said. I raised an eyebrow. He already knows my name.

"You already know my name," I replied.

"Your full name," he offered.

"Look, alls I know is my name is Skyler. Nothing more, nothing less," I spoke, truthfully. He considered it then finally smiled and laughed, patting my back.

"I like your spirit my young friend," he said then turned to Rouge, "Now, you are going to escort this lovely lady on the journey of whatever she is going to do."

"Excuse me, I don't need to be escorted," I replied but the two ignored me. Rouge nodded.

"Alright ma'am. Lead the way," he said, mockingly. I rolled my eyes while walking out the door and made my way to my ship with the droid and Rouge in tow.

Chopper rolled up to me and said, "Don't worry, he's way worse at flirting with other females. Believe me, I've seen enough to know."

I held back a laugh as Rouge kicked a laughing Chopper.

"So princess, what are we doing?" He asked, purring his words and changing the subject as we entered my ship's cockpit. I sat in the pilot's seat.

"Woah woah woah, where's the rest of your crew?" He asked, "You can't possibly be the pilot."

"You're looking at all of the crew," I replied then unhooked my ship from Hondo's. I just realized that Vizago wanted me to get him that weird thing which was probably back on the ship. Yet, my eyes spotted it on Rouge's belt. I'll just have to figure out how to snatch it later.

"Very impressive," he commented, charmingly. I shook my head in annoyance then swiveled in my chair to face Chopper.

"So what's the plan?" He asked, again.

"The plan is Chopper," I answered then faced Chopper asking, "Do you know where the rest of the crew is?"

Chopper warbled a 'yes' and a 'no.' What does that mean? I raised my eyebrow in confusion and looked over at Rouge for an answer. He shrugged his shoulders the stared out the window, not caring.

   I turned back to Chopper. "What do you mean by yes and no?" I asked.

   He explained that he only knows where one of the crew members were because his memory had been busted. One. I can do with one because he or she may know where the others are.

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