Chapter 9

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   "Does everyone finally understand their roles I've assigned to this mission?"

   They silently nodded to my relief. It took about three explanations and using scrapes to demonstrate their roles but they finally have it down.

"What's plan B if we don't succeed the first time and we have the imperials chasing us?" Zeb asked with a raised eyebrow.

I sheepishly smiled and shrugged while saying, "Wing-it?"

"Really? You're going to improvise instead of planning a back-up plan?" Rouge said then thought over it. For some odd reason, he changed his mind before we landed. He keeps worrying me but I don't do or say anything about it.

"Actually, that sounds better than Hondo's plans so I can't argue to much."

Zeb glances over at Rouge then rolled his eyes. I shook my head and sighed before walking down the ramp. Time to get the fuel.

*Time skip*

   Rouge, Chopper, and I walked over to a slot. Chopper did his magic and found where a shipment of fuel that was about to leave the system. Phase one complete and now onto phase two.

Zeb was keeping an eye on the ship and our way of escape. He wasn't very fond of the idea of staying to the ship but muttered something before walking to the cockpit. Chopper would send a signal to him when we need a pick-up.

The only reason I chose Zeb is because I don't trust Rouge touching anything in the cockpit and we need Chopper to locate the fuel. Plus, if Zeb gets noticed by any stormtroopers then mission fail. Usually stormtroopers don't acknowledge droids so Chop was safe, I think. Rouge and I weren't very well known around the Galaxy so hopefully no one recognizes Chop.

"So, bay 16," Rouge questioned.

   "Yeah, that's where the fuel is according to, Chop," I confirmed.

   "Then let's make it snappy. The faster we're done the faster we can leave," he said. I was caught off-guard by the tone of his voice. It sounded so...frustrated.

   Then there was the way he slouched and bowed his head when walking instead of his laid-back and confident form. This was a new side to Rouge I've never seen before and it worried me quite a bit. I walked in front of him. He came to an immediate halt.

   "You want to tell me what the problem is. I don't want us to mess this mission up especially on this planet out of all planets," I said, crossing my arms and raised an eyebrow.

   "It's nothing you need to worry about, princess. It's for me to know and you to not so let's just get this over with," he said, blankly then walked around me. I sighed then caught up with him. If something goes wrong, I'll know who to blame.

We were silent the rest of the way. I was actually scared to break the tension again. It was like I could almost feel his frustration radiating off of him. My gift for sensing emotions is a blessing and a curse. Curse this trait of mine and feminine need to give closure.

I wonder what would happen if I confront him again. Probably shrug it off or lose his cool.

"We're here," Rouge spoke up, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Alright, get into position," I ordered.

"Whatever," he muttered under his breath, walking off. I watched him go then went to do my part.

*Not very creative timeskip later full of action but the author isn't going to do because said author has this thing called being lazy*

"Zeb! Where are you? We need a pick-up, stat!" I yelled into the comm. Rouge or as I like to call him, the idiot, was of course spotted. Now we are running for our lives while pushing very much explosive tanks and being fired at.

"Coming!" He yelled back. In the background, I could hear the engine being turned on. He wasn't even ready! I growled and wanted to throat punch the nearest victim.

"Plan B," Rouge suggested.

"Plan B," I confirmed.

"Get the fugitive and his helper!" A stormtrooper yelled. Fugitive? He's a fugitive! I thought things couldn't get any better. Sarcasm!

   "Let go of the fuel tanks!" I said. Without hesitation, the fuel tanks slid behind us. I quickly turned around and shot at the tanks, sending the stormtroopers flying. So much for that. Rouge and I ran into the nearest alleyway to make sure we lost track of the stormtroopers.

   We soon stopped and I realized that we're farther away from where the Ghost is supposed to meet us. I leaned over putting my hands on my knees to keep me up while heavily breathing along with Rouge.

   "Please, tell me you have a plan C?" He asked, sounding very annoyed. This was the first time I've seen him lose his cool. He really was ticked off about the situation.

   "Unfortunately, no," I answered, standing straight. I kept a watchful eye on him and wanted to ask what was wrong again until he says something stupid.

"Well, if I'm going to be lost, I'd rather let it be in you're eyes. Yet, there's no one else I'd rather be stuck with than my one and only princess," he cooed, letting a forced smirk spread across his face.

"Just when I thought you were a normal person with feelings then you had to say that," I huffed, annoyed. So much for worrying. Yet, I couldn't help but see the distress that radiant off his tense form. I could almost feel the frustration and angry leaking from his very soul.

   "Let's find somewhere to hide. Being out in the open with your reputation can only cause more trouble than we need," I said. He silently agreed then began to walk in a direction. I followed him seeing how he seemed to know where he was going.

   While we walked, I'm now noticing some wanted posters with his face on it. I was tempted to grab one to see what made him so 'famous' that the Empire's interest in chasing him here was more...enticing.

   I slowed down a bit, grabbed the paper, and stuffed it into my pocket. Then I quickened my pace to catch up with Rouge. I hated to go against the little trust we have with each other. Yet, an itching feeling of 'needing to know' won the battle.

   I just hope it won't start a war between us.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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