Chapter 8

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   I sighed in relief and sat back in the pilot's seat. Alone at last! I've had no quiet time to myself and it really bothered me. Now, I'm all alone in the cockpit on my favorite seat in the ship. The swirling, blue hue of hyperspace calmed and relieved all the stress. It also gave me time to clear my head and think.

   Never in my life would I say, let alone think, this but Rouge was right. The pirate was right. I should've just kept to myself. It wasn't my business. I honestly should of known too. I wouldn't want people knowing about me especially after just meeting them. I's just been awhile since I've actually had a conversation with a sane person that isn't a scoundrel.

   The sound of the door opening made me turn to see the said pirate. Speaking of the idiot...

  "Hey, Princess. Am I intruding on your conversation with your most inner thoughts on me?" He questioned, sitting in the co-pilot's seat and lounging back.

   "Oh yes, my inner most private thoughts on how much I can't stand annoying pirates such as you," I replied, pressing a couple buttons. I checked the fuel line to see that the ship was running low on fuel and the nearest stop is Coruscant.

"Ouch, I never knew Twi'leks had such sharp claws," he joked. I held back an eye roll and put in the coordinates.

"Now where are we going?" He questioned, spinning the chair.

"Coruscant," I answered simply, not looking up from working on the ship. That's when the silence collapsed into the cockpit. The tension in the air stirred up enough for me to glance over at Rouge. Being quiet this long was a very concerning thing especially for a guy who loves talking my lekku off.

   That was until I seen it. The look on his face. It was neutral and his eyes held a wavering sorrow, drowning deeper and deeper, lost in thought. His hands clenched the seat's arm rests and shifted uncomfortably in the seat.

   "Rouge, are you okay?" I asked, twisting in my seat to face the distressed pirate. I notice him tense until pulling on his facade and smiling his troubles away. Yet, I could tell that the troubles were still there, haunting his dreary mind.

   "I'm always okay when I see your pretty face. Might I say, a credit for a dozen pretty faces could not compare to a million credits worth for yours," He slyly spoke. I narrowed my eyes a little because it was really annoying but the worry still was there.

   Whatever he was hiding under that mask was quickly covered. It scared me a bit knowing how well he can quickly change his demeanor to one of no worries or cares. How could someone live like that? Hiding and bottling up their emotions like it never happened.

   I've had to do it for the past year.

   I shifted my gaze back to the window then my eyes widen in realization. No, not a year. I've been hiding it way longer than that. When the bullying began, I hid all my bruises and scratches from Mrs. Sumar until my sixteenth birthday. The day I lost everything I cared about and gained one thing that kept me going (besides Mrs. Sumar).

   I gained a cause to be rebellious. To find my family. To fly this beautiful and empty ship. To help innocent lives. To fight for the Galaxy's freedom. To be feel free.

   There were consequences though. Freedom came with a price. War. Pain. Loss. Loneliness. And I'm betting that whatever has got Rouge down is the price, the consequences of freedom.

   I wanted to do something to comfort him but nothing came to mind. For all I know, he sees me as a Twi'lek that he loves toying with. Not a close friend that he can lean on whenever he is sad. So I did nothing and let us soak in this awkward silence. I looked everywhere except at Rouge and fiddled with my fingers. Man, this is so weird. Curse you, awkward teenage moments.

   I repeated the word 'Hallelujah,' in my head when the door slid open to reveal Chopper, my awkward life saver. I smiled at the droid who kept complaining that he was bored like some child throwing a tantrum.

   "Can you tell Zeb we will be landing on Coruscant in a couple of minutes?" I asked. Chopper whirled in agreement and rolled out the door to inform the old Lasat. That should keep him busy for awhile but that doesn't save me from the awkwardness again.

   I was getting tired of the quiet after a couple of seconds. It honestly bothered me to see Rouge in such a non-spirited mood. He wasn't acting like himself but for all I know, he hasn't been himself at all since we met. I was about to say something when a beeping signaled me to exit hyperspace.

   I turned and pressed a few buttons. I heard movement come from him and glanced to see him get up to walk towards the door.

   "If it's okay with you, Princess. I would like to stay on the ship. I'm not feeling that I'm at my best at the moment," he said. I felt it in my gut, he was telling half the truth. I could tell he wouldn't look forward to it but, also that there was more than he's letting on. Yet, didn't push since it wasn't any of my business.

   "Okay," I confirmed. He nodded and walked out the door to disappear behind it. I sighed and shook off the tension from my muscles. This was no time for teenage worries. This was a war, surviving and a very important mission. Not worrying about clothes, reputation or school. Those were Paden's worries. Not mine.

   I skillfully coursed the ship into the planet's atmosphere and headed towards a landing platform. Coruscant was one of the largest cities on this side of the Galaxy (maybe the whole Galaxy). It had many markets and shops, trading and transportation. All sorts of species and snobs, merchants and by-passers, assassins and hidden rebels from all around.

   What it all had in common was worse. This was the hot spot of the Empire. A high-alert imperial paradise for people who actually care about them. An awful thing, really.

   This place was bound to at least have some fuel in the markets. Unless I have to deal with a high imperial presence or something else that's dangerous. Then that's when everything will fall out of place.

   And with my luck, there is a good chance it will happen.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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