Chapter 12

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   I knocked on Rouge's door for what felt like the hundredth time today. He locked himself in the cabin for hours on end and unnaturally quiet. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to know and help him feel better.

   I hate to admit it, but I've come to grow a soft spot for the mischievous pirate. Not that I would say it out loud. We've grown close over time than I've gotten close to anyone since Mrs. Sumar. A true friend I've never had to play and joke around with like normal silly teens we were.

   It's hard going into a life for a year all alone but in a matter of days, that loneliness soon shriveled up into nothing. Isn't that how everyone wants to feel? Not lonely and in need of another. I didn't know I need someone else before getting the idea of searching for my family. Then came silly, devious Rouge.

   My friend.

   The word felt foreign to me but I missed it so much. It's been a long time since having a true friend I cared about. A very long time.

   "Rouge, please. Just open up and talk with me. Let me hear your side of the story. A piece of paper doesn't help prove what really happened," I explained. There was no response from the stubborn pirate. My fingers itched to put in the override code but a voice in the back of my head screamed otherwise.

He had to come out on his own time when he decides he is ready to talk. I can't force him to reveal his past if he doesn't want too. So with a sad sigh, I turned and walked away from the door.

I sat with Zeb in the common room while scrolling through some data pads.

"Where's the pirate?" Zeb asked, eyebrow raised. I looked up from the screen then sighed, setting down my work.

"Still locked in his room," I answered, monotone.

"If you're worried about him so much, why aren't ya doing anything about it?" He asked. I blinked for a moment to let his words settle in before rolling my eyes.

"I did try. He's not going to let anyone in any time soon," I said, as if I knew him. I've seen tough guys break once or twice. When they are determined to hide it, they'll be somewhere hiding for hours before coming out like nothing happened. This is going to be the same way but he'll still be hurting but hides it to be tough.

"Try harder," Zeb said, cutting through my thoughts. I didn't know what other option he was suggesting but it motivated me to place the data pads aside and get up. I walked to Rouge's room and lightly knocked on his door.

   "'s me, again," I began, awkwardly. Like usual, there was no response.

"I don't know what happened or I can say that I've been in the same place as you, but can you at least give me a chance to help?" I asked, waiting for anything, any sort of response. I heard a shuffling on the other side of the door before it opened to reveal Rouge.

His facial expression was stern and blank as he leaned on the frame of the door.

"It happened a couple years ago..." he began.

"Hondo was going to introduce me to one of his trading buddies after I became a full fledged pirate. That guy that we ran into was one of his wealthy trading buddies. The day we met was the same day I met my partner in crime and next in line for his father, Aden Lerann.

Every time Hondo would visit, I would hangout with Aden. He told me the only time he was allowed to do whatever he wanted was when I came over. I wanted to give my friend the taste of freedom so we went on our own missions and caused trouble. We even had our own nicknames, his was Insurgent, and our own base in a rundown building we found..."

Rouge paused as his features turned darker and memories hit like a bag of boulders. This was tough for him but I gave him time and listened to the story. I could already tell that things were going to be bad even after finding the poster. I just need to process it all to help him in someway.

He continued after gathering his thoughts.

"One day, we stole some really nice looking guns from the Empire and cleaning them as a prize. I would take half and leave the other half for Aden. I didn't really know what happened until it was done. I think he shot one of the guns and hit a flammable object or something. The building caught on fire and we were on the top floor so we struggled with getting to the last floor.

We were almost to the exit when I was pushed out of the way. Everything happened so fast...and when I turned partner smiled at me one last time before...before a beam fell on top of him."

I crossed my arms and tightened my grip, trying to steady myself. My dream came to my mind remembering the exact same thing happening. I was confused and my stomach churned just thinking about it all. The pain. The heat. The sadness. Then there was Rouge who practically watched his friend die right before his very eyes.

   "His father blew a fuse once he found out and blamed it all on me. Hondo didn't trade with Aden's father anymore. We were practically on the run from him just like many others. I never went back to that planet until you came along, Princess," Rouge explained with a weak, lopsided grin. I could see the hurt and pain in those blue eyes.

The thought of that fake grin didn't help the mood anymore than his nickname for me. It just made it all ten times as worse.

"Rouge...I had no idea..." I said, almost speechless and shaking my head a little in disbelief. The pirate seemed a little surprised when hearing the sadness in my voice but tried to hide it by shrugging it off.

"Past is the past, and besides, I don't need your pity, sweetheart-"

"I would have to think less of you if I ever pitied you, Rouge," I cut him off, glaring seriously at the eighteen-year old. I was determined to get it straight through that thick head of his. He was not alone. I know the feeling of being alone and feeling that there was no one to turn too. After Mrs. Sumar died, I realized that I was never alone until losing her.

You never know what you have...

Rouge didn't say anything as he shut the door. I stood, staring at the closed door for a brief moment before turning and walking away. He is to proud of himself to know what he has. The important people he has in his life now that guide him everyday. He was running from his past. Grieving but won't admit it. He won't admit it because...

...until you lose it all.


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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