Chapter 11

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We hid in the shadows and only came in the light when needed. The alleyways were very handy in a time like this.

   "We're here, Princess," he said, gesturing to a not so heavily guarded storage area.

"And why did you not tell me about this place earlier?" I questioned him. He didn't answer as we made out way over to the fuel tanks. It was so simple sneaking past the security. I wish we came here instead of ending in the disaster we are in.

   We grabbed two fuel tanks and pushed them quietly out of the storage unit without being spotted. These guards are horrible at there job but I'm not complaining.

   Rouge stopped walking and I was about to ask what he was doing until he shoved me down, behind the tank. Blaster fire began to scatter at us, luckily these ding-dongs have horrible aim or else we would be dead. Suddenly the fire came to a halt.

"Traitor, rat, killer," a cold voice spoke neurally. Rouge stiffened. I peeked over the fuel tank to see a tall man blankly looking towards our direction. We made eye contact. Who is this man?

"I'm a little surprised to see you back here after what you did. Yet, I wouldn't expect it from a pirate and now, it seems as though you are blinding another with your charms," he said. What was he talking about? Confused, I looked at Rouge for an answer but he bowed his head, trying not to make eye contact.

   "What is he talking about?" I asked, quietly.

   "I think you already know," he replied, darkly. My eyes widen before narrowing and standing up from behind the tanks.

   "Look, I don't blame you for having a grudge on him it maybe we can settle things with a deal," I said. Rouge was giving me a "are you serious," look but I ignored him.

  "There will be no deals. You hand him over or you die along with that scum," the man said, furiously. I averted my gaze to the distant ship flying towards us before landing back on the man.

   "I can say the same for hating his guts. Believe me, it's very easy to get angry with him. Yet, he's shown more than any sort of scum is to me. He can be a decent human if you just show him some hospitality," I argued.

   He didn't even flinch when yelling, "Fire."

   It was to late. My ship came and blasted the man and his guards before giving us a lift. I began to push a fuel tank with Rouge in tow. We made it up the ramp and I pushed a button the close it. The floor vibrated meaning the the ship escaped. I sighed in relief.

   "Did you really mean it?" Rouge asked. I looked over at him, his back turned to me. I raised an eyebrow before thinking to what I had said. I didn't get the chance to think when he continued.

   "Even after what I did?"

   "What in the name of the stars are you talking about?" I asked. He was getting on my nerves again but I couldn't go to hard on him because we managed to get fuel and escape without injury.

   "Seriously, you're still playing that game?" Rouge spoke, angrily. He turned around and glared like cold daggers wanting to pierce my skin.

   "Don't think I didn't see you grab my wanted poster and try to read it behind my back!"

   Shock encased itself inside my stomach and froze on the spot. How the fudge did he know I had that? I get that he's a pirate and all but pirates don't care for that kind of stuff.

   That's when realization hit my like a pile of bricks falling onto my head. He did show signs. He didn't want to go to that planet, showed emotions that I never would imagine for someone like him and the man was all that was needed.

   I feel like such an idiot.

   "Rouge...," I trailed off, guilt consuming away at my very soul. I was cut off when Zeb and Chopper came tumbling into the cargo hold.

"Are you two okay?" He asked. Chopper kept rambling on about something I couldn't understand. Did I really want to know though?

   Rouge climbed the ladder and brushed past the two. I watch him with mixed emotions before pulling out the wanted poster.

   "What's his problem?" Zeb asked, eyebrow raised. I didn't answer as my eyes scanned the page.

   Wanted for murder of heir to the Imperial General and Politician.

   Above the words was a well-drawn picture of Rouge. What I'm still wondering is how he even got involved with that man? Did Hondo and him do some sort of business and that guy betrayed Hondo? Then why was Rouge so upset about it? So burdened with someone he didn't even know and killing off a future Imperial.

   Something wasn't adding up here and the only one that has answers is locked away in his cabin.


   I was brought out of my thoughts to see Zeb looking down at me. Chopper wasn't anywhere in sight, probably somewhere in the ship.

   "What is this?" He asked, pointing to the poster. My eyes averted back to the paper before back at old, acid green eyes.

   "I'll take care of this," I reassured, stuffing the paper into my pocket, "Where are we heading to now?"

   Zeb gave me a look before answering, "We're going to see an old friend."

"An old friend that'll help us find the rest of the crew, right?" I questioned, eyebrow raised and hands on hips.

"No, to find the nearest marketplace because we ran out of waffles," the Lasat spoke, sarcastically. I gave him a stern look to hint him that I wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"Yes, to find the rest of the crew."

I nodded, slightly satisfied with his answer.

"I wasn't joking when I said, 'we ran out of waffles,'" he said, smirking and patting his stomach. I sighed before asking, "Don't get off of topic yet. Who exactly are we seeing?"

He stopped after giving me a serious look. A bit of a story glimmered in green eyes as they stared into mind.

"Her name is Sabine, Sabine Wren."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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