Chapter 2

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   It was about an hour since waking up and putting in the coordinates for hyperspace. Today was the day I find Specter 3 and my family. The long wait has finally ended after my whole life. Other thoughts scrambled and wondered what they could be possibly doing.

   Maybe, stealing something from the Empire. Or blowing up a star destroyer!

Being alone gave me a vivid imagination and with a sort of child-like enthusiasm. I'll admit, it was hard being alone all the time with no one to talk too. I was scared. I still am but with everything that has been accomplished, I still fight. Flying helps calm my nerves and see new places.

   Now, I don't have to be lonely anymore because my family is out their waiting for me to come home. Would they even remember me? I was so young a long time ago that I probably won't be recognizable. Would they want me?

   I froze at the thought and began to rethink everything again.

   No! These are just nerves. I waited so long and hoped to see my family again for as long as I can remember. Now is the time and chance to do so. To learn the truth of who I used to be.

   Mrs. Sumar risked her life for me to go out and find my family. Now, I need to be successful or else her sacrifice was for nothing.

   I sniffed a little. No, do not cry. There is no point in crying and dwelling. All that matters is right now and what I hope to find later.

   A beeping told me that I arrived.

   'Please, don't be a star destroyer. Please, don't be a star destroyer,' I kept thinking while exiting hyperspace. An old, manageable sized ship appeared a few yards away.

   'What a pile of junk,' I thought, with a raised eyebrow.

   A holo image of a Weequay man appeared. Oh no, he's a pirate. Peachy.

   "Well, if it isn't-wait, who are you?" The old pirate asked. I was a bit taken back by what he was about to say. Did he know whose ship this was? I shook it off for the moment.

   "Who I am is going to be a later thing," I said, then asked, "May I board your ship? You have someone that I've been looking for." The pirate hummed in thought and just when I thought he was going to say no...

   "I will let you but, you need to tell me who you're looking for," he bargained.

    I bit my lip. Should I tell this complete stranger, let alone a pirate, about Specter 3? I had to take a risk or might as well get no where with this conversation.

   "I'm looking for Specter 3," I told him, "I was given these coordinates to your ship that he was on there." Another long wait until he smiled and laughed.

   "You can go ahead and dock then we'll discuss more when you're on," he said, then the holo image went away. I continued towards the ship and locked on to the docking port. I took a deep breath in and out. Who knows how many people are on the ship. I could be getting myself into a whole bunch of trouble.

   For all I know, Vizago sent me on a wild lothcat chase for his precious item and nothing more. I had to stay calm and show no fear. That's how I roll on missions and get out sometimes safely.

   I stood from the pilot's chair, holstered my gun and walked to the port. I stood and waited until the door opened to reveal the pirate and someone else standing behind him.

   It was a human boy that looked roughly around my age. He had short, brown hair; pale skin and dark, blue eyes. His clothes consisted of creamy white pants that went a little above his ankles. A belt wrapped around his waist with a holstered gun. A long-sleeved, creamy white shirt with a white v-stripe boarding the shirt around his neck.

I walked into the other ship. There was no turning back now. My first thought when seeing the inside was it looked even worse than the outside.

"Welcome aboard my ship! I am Hondo Ohnaka and this is my partner, Rouge," he introduced, extending his hand for me to shake. I debated whether to shake it or not.

I extended my hand and shook it with his.

"I'm...Ivy," I lied. I just met them, there was no way I'm going to give them my real name.

"Nice to meet you, Ivy and what a nice ship you have. It is very...familiar," he said.

"Well, I don't know who owned it last," I told him truthfully. I didn't exactly have the time to ask since being chased can make a person a little bit busy at the time.

"Well, I think I may have someone that can remember for me," he said and gestured to Rouge.

"Rouge, can you get your little friend to meet our guest in the cockpit?" Hondo asked the boy. Rouge nodded silently before going to do as he was told. The pirate gestured for me to follow and he began to show me his ship.

   The whole time, I kept thinking. I'm about to meet the person who is going to help me find my family. Butterflies filled my stomach of who Specter 3 could be. An unusual name or maybe a code name to keep him or her safe?

   While walking around, I noticed that there was no one else. Could it be him, Rouge, and Specter 3?

"Here, we have the cockpit," Hondo spoke, opening the door to reveal the room. It was a decent size for at least five people, considering there were only five chairs.

   "Make yourself comfortably at home while we wai-" Hondo the cut off when the door opened. Rouge walked in with a droid rolling in not far behind.

   The droid was a very old astromech. I'm surprised it's still functioning. The droid's dome was orange and the rest was a silver gray color. There was a small, white satellite device on the top of the dome.

   "This is a C1-10P astromech droid but we call him Chopper," Rouge said, smugly. I stared at him, not impressed then turned towards the droid. The astromech began to talk in binary. A small mechanical arm came out from Chopper's side dome and stretched out.

   I grasped the his claw in my hand and shook it.

   "It's nice to meet you, Chopper," I said. The droid warbled and spun its dome in enthusiasm. I smiled a little at the astromech. He sure had a personality.

   "Chopper, here may know who you're looking for," Hondo acknowledged. I knelt down on a knee in front of the droid and laid a hand on his dome.

"Chopper. Do you know who Specter 3 is?" I asked, hope swelling inside. Chopper seemed to stare at me but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. How could anyone know what a droid was thinking? They don't exactly have a face that moves or is readable.

Finally, the droid warbled something that I couldn't decipher. Rogue seemed to look at the droid in confusion.

"What did he say?" I asked, almost pleadingly. I was very desperate but couldn't show it. Yet, may of already given them clues that I needed to know.

"He said and I quote, 'Is your name Skyler?'" Rouge translated, giving a suspicious look. I looked back at the droid and felt my insides drop. How did he know my name?

" did you know that?" I asked, a bit scared.

I understood what he beeped this time.

I'm Specter 3.


Am I going to be the only one shipping Skyler and Rouge? XD

I kind of finished chapter 10 on this and reread the chapters. I love these two goofballs together for some odd reason. Lol 😂

Okay, I'm done with my little rant.

Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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