Chapter 6

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   I didn't know what to say or do. Mostly though, I had mixed emotions. Not in a million years would I have thought that a Lasat was apart of my family. Does he know who I am?

   Chopper kept warbling to Zeb about something.

   "Slow down you, rust bucket," Zeb growled. He turned to me.

   "Now, who are you two?"

   "I'm Jabba the Hutt and this is my slave, Ivy," Rouge introduced.

   "Would you shut up!" I snapped.

   "That's not in my DNA, princess," he replied. A growl found a way through my clenched teeth.

   "Listen, I didn't come here to listen to some teen's lovey-dovey hormonal bickering and save both of ya butts from drunkies," Zeb said, motioning to the drunk men limping away. My face heated up in embarrassment and shook my head. Why me?

   "I'm sorry, he can be...a double handful," I said bitterly, towards the pirate. I changed my sour mood to a more mature one.

   "My names Skyler and that idiot over there is Rouge."

   "Oh, so you lied to Hondo and I but it's okay to talk to big, furry and purple?" Rouge questioned, sourly.

   "You think I'm going to trust a pirate," I replied, crossing my arms.

   "Touché," He said.

   "Wait...Skyler," Zeb intervened, surprised before lookin at the droid. Chopper said something about me but I wasn't able to understand most of it.

   "So it really is you. I've been wondering what happened to you and Hera after I left. Do you by chance know?"

   I was taken back by what he just said. What does he mean? Who's Hera? Know what?

   "What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. Something in Zeb's expression changed from desperate to anxiousness.

   "Let's talk somewhere a little more private, away from Imperial ears," he whispered. Chopper rolled away as we followed, heading back to the ship.

   "So..." I began, asking, "Who's Hera?"

   Zeb looked down at me then turned to face forwards.

   "She's your mother."

   My eyes widened a bit as I let it sink in letting the silence take over. Hera...a pretty and strong-willed name for a rebel.

"So, you know what happened to her?" I asked, hope filling my soul. Zeb seemed unsure and tainted by my question.

"Now, who's saying questions when they've already been asked," Rouge intervened. I glared at him with a silent 'talk again, I dare you.' A sigh came from Zeb as I turned to face him with curiosity.

"I wish I knew, too, Kid," he said, ears flattening sadly. I could see the guilt in his eyes. What happened all those years ago?

"Zeb...what happened to them?" I asked, gently. Worry clenched at my heart as his old eyes softened a bit before changing into anger.

"I don't want to talk about it. If you understand then just don't say another word," he warned. I sealed my lips seeing the hurt and the tension thicken in the air. This was something far worse an I could imagine. Could it be that my family is split up? This was going to be harder than I thought.

We arrived back at the ship. Zeb seemed to hesitate as he took in the scene in front of him. It was like, he knew this ship. It was familiar to him.

"Where did you get this ship?" He asked, joining us in the cargo bay.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"You stole it. Didn't ya?" Zeb mocked, poking me in the chest. Rouge looked at me then laughed.

"You stole it? Wow princess, I never thought in a million years a Twi'lek would steal a ship but you proved me wrong," he smirked. I glared at him again.

"What? Were you running from a slaver when you stole it?" He teased. My hands tightened as my nails dug into my skin. It hurt. My nose twitched as I muttered, "Stormtroopers."

   Rouge was about to make another one of his stupid comments until Zeb lifted him enough until they were face to face.

   "Listen brat, you betta knock it off. Can't you see you're-"

   "Zeb," I said, sternly. The two looked over at me as I calmed down, shaking my head. As much as I want to see Rouge pay for his own medicine, it didn't bring me any relief or joy. Besides, he'll just keep bothering me.

   "Just put him down. It's not worth it."

   They were shocked but surly, Zeb did as I ordered. Rouge continued to stare at me in disbelief like I just turned into a giant wolf. Shaking the thought away, I climbed the latter and motioned Zeb to follow.

   "It's been a long day. I think you boys should go rest," I suggested. Zeb smirked and said, "Yes...Captain."

A proud feeling inched it's way into my self-esteem and a warm smile spread across my lips. It was my first real genuine smile that I had in a year. It felt nice to have this feeling again.

   "By the way, nice googles," he added. I lifted my hand and gently brushed the rim of the googles.

   "They're my mother's," I admitted. He gave me a giant smirk saying, "It fits you, just like your mother."

   With that said, he walked into a specific cabin. Now that I think about it, that room did have a funny picture on the wall. I do remember there was a boy doing something to a Lasat but it slipped my mind.

   Could that Lasat on the wall be Zeb? If so, then who was that boy? Wait...was this...

   I looked around the ship. Memories hit me hard when realization finally hit. My eyes landed back on the door to the room that Zeb just walked into. Was this where it started? Was old home?

   For a second, it felt like complete nonsense but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

   "Your Mother was the best Rebel pilot..."

   "...symbol of the rebels..."

   How did I not see it before? The signs were so clear.


   Fingers snapped in front of my face, getting my attention. I looked over at Rouge and was about to glare but stopped. He stood there scratching the back of his neck and seemed like he couldn't look me in the eye. There was definitely something different about him.

   "What?" I asked, bluntly. I was still mad at him from earlier events.

   "I just wanted to say sorry," he said, shrugging a bit before walking off to a cabin. I stood there frozen in surprise then glanced over at the room he walked into. I pursued my lips before shaking my head. Once an idiot, always an idiot. Yet, I swore I saw something when he apologized.


   Again, I shook that very thought out of my head. I'm probably just sleep deprived or something. I've had a hard time sleeping for the past year and it's been a long day.

   Chopper rolled passed me saying, "Goodnight."

   "Night, Chop," I mumbled, before heading to my cabin for the night.


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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