Chapter 7

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   I yawned and stretched my arms. My hand reached for my googles when a load yell boomed through the ship. That really woke me up as I quickly put my googles on and grabbed my blaster. Yesterday's memories came crashing into my mind and wondered if someone was trying to kill...whoever screamed.

   Was it Rouge? I knew that I shouldn't of trusted a-

   "Chopper! Get back here you rust bucket!" Zeb yelled. The sounds of Chopper laughing and heavy footsteps passed my door. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, holstering my gun before opening the door. I poked my head out the door to see a just as confused Rouge rubbing his eye.

   "It's way to early for this," he complained. I rolled my eyes. I should keep track at how many times I roll my eyes at Rouge. He looked over at me and smirked, leaning against the wall.

   "Morning, princess," he said in a flirty tone.

   "Stop calling me princess," I said, annoyed.

   "Like you said, it's to early for this."

   "Okay, I'll wait later," he said, smugly. I walked passed him, ignoring his charms and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. When the kitchen door opened, I wasn't expecting to see Zeb about to throw Chopper.

   The two froze and looked over at me before complaining that the other did it at the same time. I blankly stared that them before saying, "Put Chopper down."

   Zeb grumbled but did as I said and put the trouble-making droid on the floor.

   "And Chopper, whatever you did don't do it again, especially at this hour."

   Chopper grumbled but agreed to my terms. I nodded and went to the fridge. Rouge entered the kitchen as Chopper passed him to leave.

   "You boys hungry?" I asked, taking out some fruits and waffles. Their eyes lit up when seeing the waffles and eagerly nodded.

   'Boys,' I thought sarcastically, warming up the triangle-shaped food. Then turned to see the two sitting at the table, chatting about something. I began to lean against the counter and crossed my arms.

   I stared at Zeb and began to think of something. It recently came to mind remembering that he said he left. But why? Why did he leave his friends? Why did he leave our family?

   "Zeb," I called, getting both boys attention.

   "Yeah?" He questioned.

   "Why did you leave?" I asked. By the way his face morphed, I would say it was a pretty personal thing that he didn't want to talk about it. Guilt smothered his facial features and a certain sadness was seen through the windows of his eyes.

   "Let's just put it this way," he started, a seriousness that didn't seem right for the old Lasat.

   "We all regret things in life but if I were to name two, it would be the attack on Lasan and leaving my crew in their time of need. That's all I'm going to say and besides, we just met, mate. You may be the daughter of a close friend of mine..."

   His became dark and it worried me a lot. I could almost see his inner demons wanting to claw at me. The very thought made me clench my arms tighter, more secure. I gulped down the fear with slightly parted lips.

   "But who in the Galaxy knows what you became in the end."

   "Then why did you join us if you thought that we were trouble?" I asked, regretting saying anything.

   "Kid, I've caused more trouble with the Empire before you even existed and still do. Now I have to decide if you're a good trouble or a bad trouble. You said you want to find the rest of the crew then let's find them," he explained.

   There was a lot of meaning behind everything he was saying. Every word poured out of his mouth brought out many emotions that I couldn't quite put together.

   "I'm not going to let just anyone fly this ship. I want to see it with my own eyes that it's actually doing something to hurt the Empire or help civilians. If you are using it for only your own don't deserve to to be piloting this ship," he huffed.

   I almost didn't hear the sound of the toaster popping even when the dead silence filled the air. A tension brewed so thick that a cleaver wouldn't be enough to dent it. Rouge even seemed a little astonished but didn't show it. He just looked bored, carefully watching us. Pirates are good at that, hiding their emotions.

   Well, he doesn't know me to well. I can sort of see through that mask of his. It doesn't fool me quite as easily as others but I can just tell. It's like this power is in my DNA. I wonder if Zeb knows who I got it from.

   I cleared my throat and turned to get the waffles out of the toaster then putting in new ones. I heard the door opening and closing. When I looked over my shoulder, Zeb was gone.

   I shook my head, placing the waffles on a plate and set it in front of Rouge. It looked like he was going to say something but I shut him down by neutrally, warning, "Shut up and just eat your food. I don't want to hear whatever you're about to say."

   "Now Princess..." he began, taking a bite out of a waffle and making me more irritated.

   "Don't beat yourself up just because the big bad wolf stole all of your grandma's cookies. Be a little more reasonable the next time you ask a question. Actually think if it's a personal topic or not cause if you don't...well, you already seen the results for yourself."

   I didn't know what to do. If I felt like punching him or smiling at him. Yes, he is very annoying, flirty, and deceiving like any pirate but that bit of advice held back any sort of threat. It actually kind of helped me calm down and relax.

   It also surprised me too. A pirate giving this kind of advice with an actual problem instead of their own selfish desires? That's not something you would see everyday. I actually questioned myself if he was actually a pirate or not. It was just totally unexpected!

   "Thanks," I said, grimacing a little.

   "No problem, Big Bird," He said, kicking back as if he owned the place. Any respect I had for him a minute ago was instantly gone when a groan escaped my lips. Idiot.


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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